1. Jake

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      She was furious. Zoe had searched through the entire club twice, even waited for ten minutes outside the men's toilet in case he was in there throwing up.

She had arrived at the nightclub an hour ago with her boyfriend Jake. But as they leaned against a wall drinking beer and watching the dancers she had walked past. Jake's head had swivelled instantly in the direction of the girl who had sauntered past them giving him a slight smile as she did. She disappeared into the crowd and Zoe gave the matter no more thought until twenty minutes later when she and Jake were dancing together. The same girl was also dancing nearby with another girl. Again Jake couldn't keep his eyes off her. The girl appeared not to notice Jake but he kept staring at her. She was slim with long dark hair and wearing a black mini dress. There was something about her Zoe didn't like. She had glanced in their direction for just a moment and Zoe could swear her eyes seemed to be smouldering. That girl was dangerous!
Finally she couldn't take any more. She grabbed her boyfriend's arm and dragged him off the dance floor. As they passed the girl she looked up at them and seemed to give a satisfied smirk. Once they were off the floor Zoe and Jake had had a screaming fight. Luckily the music was so loud no one seemed to notice the couple fighting. She accused him of wanting to have sex with the girl, and he yelled back telling her she was being stupidly jealous over nothing. Zoe eventually shouted to Jake that if he wanted the bitch he could have her. She stormed off to the girls toilet where she locked herself in a cubicle and cried.

Finally after half an hour she composed herself enough to venture back into the club. Hopefully Jake had suffered enough by now wondering where she was, and would be ready to apologise. But she couldn't see him anywhere. She spotted the dance companion of the girl but when she asked her about her friend she replied she didn't know the girl who had asked her for a couple of dances and that was all.

So Zoe kept looking. No Jake, no bitch of a girl who had caused their fight. She became angrier and angrier as she eventually made her way out to the carpark. If she found the two of them together she would scratch the bitch's eyes out and kick her cheating boyfriend in the nuts as hard as she could!

She couldn't see him, so she walked through the rows of parked cars until she saw Jake's car parked where he had left it when they arrived. So he hadn't left yet. She strode towards the car. If he was in the back seat with that dark haired bitch! The windows were fogged. Okay he was in for it! She reached for the rear door handle and yanked it open ready to start shouting abuse at her cheating boyfriend.  

Zoe froze to the spot for several seconds, her mouth tried to move but her whole body felt numb with shock. Finally instinct and her vocal chords took over. Her screams echoed through the carpark as people came running.

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