6. Mark

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      On Monday Mark Wilson arrived at the clinic at 9.30am after doing hospital rounds. Selina was sitting at the desk but Naomi was missing.

"She hasn't arrived yet," Selina said after he asked her.

"Give her a call," Mark said, "Maybe she's sick."

Ten minutes later there was a knock at Mark's door and Selina sauntered in closing the door behind her. "She isn't answering her phone," she said as she sat on the doctor's desk with her legs opened slightly. She was wearing a short skirt and her legs were bare. Mark was just able to get of glimpse of her skimpy lacy panties. As he tried to reach under her skirt she brought her legs quickly together and leaned down to give him a kiss. He felt her tongue deeply probing his mouth. He couldn't help himself. He wanted her, and he wanted her now. But there was a knock at the door and Dr Evans stuck his head in as Selina quickly slid of the desk and straightened her skirt. Evans frowned at her. "Selina, there's someone at the desk. Where's Naomi?"

"She hasn't turned up and she isn't answering her phone," Selina said as she went out to the desk.

By mid afternoon there was still no word from Naomi. On his way home Wilson stopped at her flat and knocked several times on the door. No answer, and her car was missing from the carport.

The next morning Naomi was still absent. Her mother called to say she hadn't heard from her since Saturday and she was calling the police to report her daughter missing.

The following afternoon the police called the clinic with the news. Naomi had been found at the bottom of a cliff in a national park north of the city. It appeared to be a tragic accident. She had left the walking track to look at the view from a cliff edge and must have slipped and fallen to her death. Her funeral was held the following week. The clinic closed for the afternoon for the staff to attend. Selina stood by Mark and the graveside service, but as he glanced at her several times he could have sworn she had a slight smile on her face.

A girl was hired to replace Naomi and Mark noticed very quickly that Selina was dominating the new staff member, ordering her to do almost everything while she sat back doing things on her mobile phone and having long tea breaks. In fact now Mark started to notice a lot of things about his girlfriend that he hadn't noticed before. He was paying the rent for an apartment for her to live in, and she was constantly borrowing his credit card to buy food, clothes, shoes and whatever else she wanted. He was fully supporting her. Admittedly in return he was getting several nights a week of fantastic sex. She had an insatiable appetite and could go hours at a time, and sometimes got annoyed with him when he lay back exhausted while she wanted more. She was wearing him out.

But one day he suddenly realised what he was doing. He was cheating big time on his fiancée who continued to be blissfully unaware of his carnal activities three or four nights a week. His wedding was only six weeks away. He couldn't leave Barbara. He really did love her. Selina was just a last minute fling on the side before he got married. But now Selina was saying she intended to continue the affair after the wedding and she expected Mark to go on supporting her lavish lifestyle living in his apartment. He had to break it off with her before Barbara found out.
He broached the subject with Selina one night at the apartment. He didn't get the response he wanted. At first she started crying, but when he tried to stand firm she turned nasty, snarling at him that if he tried to end their relationship she would tell his fiancée what he had been doing the last three months in graphic detail, and she would also tell Dr Evans that Wilson had coerced her into becoming his mistress. He would lose both his fiancee and his job at the clinic.

He was caught in trap. There was no way out. If he continued the affair after he was married it would be almost impossible to keep Barbara from finding out. The next night at the apartment, after trying to satisify the nymph sexually without much success, he tried pleading with her to be reasonable. She sat up in the bed, still naked from their session and looked thoughtful. "Maybe it's time to move on," she muttered half to herself. She looked up at Mark. "Pay me out and I'll leave the clinic and move out of the apartment. I can easily find another job. I was getting sick of this one anyway."

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