11. Patrick

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     He had just sat back down at his desk at the used car dealership after his morning tea break, when his fellow salesman called out to him. "Hey Patrick, look at this." He pointed out the window to the car yard outside where several dozen vehicles were displayed for potential buyers.

A tall, slim young woman with long dark hair wearing a t-shirt and very short denim shorts was slowly wandering around the lot perusing the cars.

"I'll get her, Shaun," he said.

"I saw her first," Shaun said, "I'll toss you for her." He pulled a one dollar coin from his pocket.

A minute later Patrick approached the girl. "Can I help?" he asked, "Are you looking to buy?"
She turned to face him with a warm smile. He sucked in his breath in admiration. She was stunningly attractive. No, not just attractive, she was hot, super hot!

"Hi, Patrick," she said looking at his name badge, "Yes, I am looking to buy if I can find something in my price range. I don't want to go over ten thousand dollars."

Patrick tried to keep his eyes off her chest. He was sure he could see the shape of her nipple under her t-shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra. He focussed on her deep blue eyes. "We have a couple of small cars over here you might like."

After looking at several cars the girl decided on a silver Holden Barina hatchback. "Can I take it for a test drive?" she asked.

"Of course," Patrick replied, "But I'll have to come with you, and I'll need to see your driver's licence." She handed him her licence and he noted her name was Selina Smith.

After a short drive, Selina pulled over to the side of the road and looked at Patrick. "I love this car," she exclaimed enthusiastically, "Can I have it for ten thousand?"

"Well the listed price is eleven nine ninety," Patrick replied, "I could maybe do eleven, but that's as low as I can go."

Selina had a disappointed look on her face. "But I can only afford ten thousand. Can't I have it for ten?"

"I'm sorry, Selina, but I can't go any lower."

"Maybe I could persuade you," she murmured as she undid her seat belt and leaned across to kiss a startled Patrick. He was amazed how soft and sexy her lips felt against his, and then her tongue was penetrating deeply into his mouth. He also couldn't believe this was happening.
Finally they broke apart. "I could make you very happy," she whispered staring at him with her dark blue eyes, "I could come over to your place tonight. Please tell me you're not married or have a girlfriend."

"N-not married," he stammered, "I did have a girlfriend but we broke up a couple of months ago."

"Well maybe her loss can be my gain."

Patrick still had trouble believing this hot girl was offering to have sex with him for a deal on a car. But he would be stupid to turn her down. How often does an ordinary guy like me get to have sex with a goddess like this girl, he thought. Maybe he could juggle the books and forgo his commission on the sale. Yes, that's what he would do.

"I think I can make the price ten thousand dollars for you," he said looking at the t-shirt again with the prominent nipples showing through the fabric. "Let's go back to the dealership and get the paperwork underway."

That night after work he took Selina out for dinner, then they went back to his flat. Two hours later he lay on his back gasping for air. He had never known a girl to be so energetic in bed. He managed to have two orgasms before lying back on the bed thoroughly exhausted. She seemed a little disappointed.

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