12. Steve

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     The most beautiful woman in the world lay on her side smiling at him after an hour long sexual romp. She had arrived at his apartment at seven o'clock and insisted they have sex before having dinner, and he wasn't about to argue with her. They had been together for two weeks now ever since he had met her while installing computer equipment at a car dealership. She had told him she had gone there to talk about trading her car in for a new one. He had left her talking to a salesman in the office, but later that afternoon she had called him on his work phone asking him out for dinner that night. One thing led to another and now he was having sex almost every night of the week with a girl who looked like a model.

Her phone chimed in her bag. She reached down and extracted it and looked at a text message. "It's my mother," she said, "I'll just go out to the lounge room and send her a text. Don't go away, Steve. We've had the main course but I still want dessert." She flashed him a sexy smile as she got up from the bed and walked out of the room completely naked.  

He enjoyed the view until she was out of sight. As we waited he thought he heard her voice from the other room. She must be making a call on her phone.

When she returned five minutes later he was ready to go again. Another hour of sex in eight different positions, after which they both fell asleep. Steve awoke a couple of hours later. He looked over at Selina. She was still sound asleep. As he carefully put his legs over the side of the bed to get up without disturbing her his foot knocked her bag and her phone slipped out onto the floor. The screen came on illuminating a text message. He didn't mean to look but he got a glimpse of part of the message.

....not coming to dinner and I don't want to see you anymore. Sorry but it's over between us. Have a nice life. S.

He was curious. She said she was sending a text to her mother. Instead it looked like she was breaking up with someone. He reached down to pick up the phone to see the rest of the message.

"What are you doing?" came Selina's voice from behind him.

He jumped. "Oh, just putting your phone back in your bag," he said feeling embarrassed at being caught looking at her phone.

"Give it to me," she snapped.

He handed her the phone. She turned it off and dropped it back into her bag. "I'm hungry," she murmured with a smile, "What are you going to cook us for dinner?"

She was gone when he woke up the next morning, but that night she arrived again as he was watching the news on TV. As they were kissing just inside the front the door a news story caught his attention. He turned to the TV in time to see a covered stretcher being loaded into an ambulance with the announcer giving details.

......the accident happened just after eight o'clock last night outside the Riverview Restaurant in the inner city. Diners at the restaurant say the man became highly agitated after receiving a text message and phone call on his mobile phone, and just walked out the door onto the busy street where he was struck by a white Mitusbishi sedan. He died at the scene. It is believed the victim was a car salesman at Southside Motors in Annerley.

"Southside Motors?" Steve exclaimed, "That's where I installed some computer equipment a couple of weeks ago. That's where we met." He turned to Selina. She was staring at the TV even though the news had moved onto another story. "You don't suppose it could be the same salesman you were talking to?"

Selina was silent.

Steve thought of the message he had seen on her phone the previous night. His mind tried to connect the dots. Selina was talking to a salesman at the dealership the victim worked at. She claimed she was texting her mother at eight o'clock last night. The accident happened just after eight after the man had looked at text on his phone. Had Selina sent a break up text to this man causing him to lose his life?

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