5. Naomi

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      Over the next few days Selina became lazier at work. About the only thing she did was answer the phone leaving all the other duties to Naomi. She gave a sexy smile to all the male patients as they arrived, and even the senior doctor at the clinic Dr Evans thought she was wonderful.
Naomi had hoped that Dr Wilson would come to his senses and break off his affair with Selina, but she was so wrong. One day when he left his door slightly open she heard him talking to a real estate agent telling them that he would send Selina Smith around to pick up the keys to the new downtown apartment he had just rented. Naomi could guess what this apartment would be used for. And it seemed more and more often Wilson was asking her to cover for him with his fiancée Barbara. When he and Selina had one of their frequent long lunches Naomi would have to make excuses to Barbara if she called saying Mark wasn't answering his mobile phone. Where was he she would ask. Was he at the clinic? Their wedding day was only four months away.
One day Barbara came in at lunchtime, and while she sat waiting for her fiancée to arrive Naomi spotted Wilson and Selina driving into the car park outside where they sat in the car for ten minutes doing who knows what. Eventually Naomi went out to tell Wilson to come inside, Barbara was waiting for him. She caught them tongue kissing. Wilson looked flustered and awkward while Selina flashed Naomi a murderous glare.

Later that afternoon when no one was around Naomi tried again to talk some sense into Selina.
"It's obvious you and Mark and having an affair," she said, "And I know he's paying for an apartment for you. But don't you know he's getting married in four months to a wonderful woman? Are you going to destroy their marriage before it even starts?"

"What I do is none of your business," she snapped, "So stay out of my business, bitch!"

Naomi was incredulous that this girl would talk to her like that. "What did you just call me?" she asked quietly.

"You heard me. Keep out of it out or you'll be sorry!"

Naomi stood her ground. "No I won't keep out of it. You've got till Monday to break it off with Mark or I go to Barbara and tell her the whole sorry story. Better she finds out now than after the wedding."

Selina turned and stared at the older woman, and for a moment Naomi thought she saw the girl's eyes flash dark in colour. Selina didn't say anything, but got up and stalked off to the bathroom.

The next day was Friday and Naomi was feeling stressed after a busy week at work picking up Selina's workload for half of her days. A friend had invited her to go hiking at a nearby national park on the Sunday of the weekend, but he had called to cancel the night before. Naomi was disappointed. She had been to this area once before and it was peaceful and relaxing with spectacular views from several lookouts.

That morning when her mother rang her at work to say hello she told her of her plans.
"It's the Glass House Mountains National Park about an hour's drive from here, Mum. Adam was coming with me but he cancelled, but I've decided to go on my own. I need to get away, even if it's only for a few hours. There are walking trails along cliffs with fantastic views over the coast and back towards the city. If I leave home at around ten I can get an hour's worth of hiking in, then have lunch and be home by mid afternoon."
Naomi caught Selina looking in her direction as if she was listening. Naomi turned her back and lowered her voice so Selina couldn't hear any more. She didn't want that bitch knowing her weekend plans.

Sunday morning arrived. The weather was warm and sunny. Naomi had packed a picnic lunch for herself and set off in her car just after ten o'clock. Traffic was light and she made good time as she drove north out of the city. As she turned off the highway onto a side road she glanced in her rear view mirror and noticed a small black car some distance behind also making the same turn. She thought she had seen the car behind her earlier when she drove out of the city. Must be someone else going to the park. As she pulled into a parking space at the national park she noticed the black car parking some distance away. She didn't see who got out of it, but Naomi was much more interested in going on her walk than to pay any more attention to the black car.

The sign said one hour return walk to the eastern lookout. Naomi shouldered her backpack and set off up the winding hiking trail. After twenty minutes of walking she had passed only two other couples on the trail. Not a lot of people were visiting the park today, she thought. A sign said one more kilometre to the lookout, but then as the trail came closer to a cliff edge she caught a glimpse of a view between the trees. She made her way about thirty metres off the track and through a few low trees to a cliff edge. She stood carefully about a metre back from the edge and drank in the spectacular panoramic view. There was the ocean in the distance with golden beaches. Further to the north hills and mountains gradually faded into a distant haze. Naomi felt so relaxed, more relaxed than she had felt for weeks.

She heard the sound of someone coming along the trail behind her, but she didn't turn to look. She couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful view.

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