3. The Attacker

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     It was after ten o'clock as the train clattered over the points in the dark and came to a stop at the suburban station.

He had been watching her since she boarded the train four stations ago. He was sitting at the back of the carriage and she had taken a seat near the front. A girl travelling by herself at night? A dangerous thing to do. She left the carriage by the front door. He immediately got up and stepped out onto the platform from the rear door and followed the girl as she walked through the exit to the street outside the station. Once clear of the station building and any security cameras he quickened his pace and slowly closed the gap on the girl as she walked along a deserted dimly lit street. As he got closer he had a better view of her. She was medium to tall with long straight almost black hair and wearing a loose fitting top over tight jeans which nicely showed off the shape of her ass and thighs.

He had almost reached her when she stopped and spun around to face him. "What do you want?" she demanded.

"Hi," he said with a smile on his face as his left hand carefully reached down to his left boot where a short bladed knife was secured. "I'm lost," he continued, trying to sound genuine, "Can you tell me which way Oxley Street is?" He didn't even know if there was an Oxley Street. He had just made it up.

"Turn around and go back to the last cross street and turn left," she said.

She was onto him, but she didn't look the slightest bit scared. He quickly pulled the knife out of his boot with his left hand, and at the same time with a lightning quick movement he wrapped his right arm around the girl's neck, pulling her close in to him. She struggled and started to call out but he held the knife up to her face. "Keep still and don't make a sound," he growled, "Or this knife goes into your pretty eye."

She became silent and kept still. "That's a good girl," he muttered, as he dragged her off the street onto a darkened walkway which joined this street to the next one. There was no one around. Most of the nearby houses had no lights on. Everyone must go to bed early around here he thought. He fumbled for the girl's top trying to pull it up over her head, but in so doing he partially released his grip on her. She pulled back quickly from him and brought her right knee up viciously into his groin.

The pain was excruciating as he sank the ground and rolled into a ball. The girl snatched the knife from his hand. "Bitch!" he moaned at her through clenched teeth.

"What did you call me?" she hissed as she brought her face close to his.

He could have sworn that in the dim light her eyes seemed to look unnaturally dark as she raised the knife.

Early the next morning a couple walking their dog found a man lying in a puddle of blood by the side of the walkway. Nearby on the ground lay his wallet, emptied of cash, and a bloodied knife. An ambulance rushed him to hospital where after surgery and blood transfusions he survived.
Three days later when he was able to be interviewed by a detective he said he had been attacked by a man who came out of the dark wielding a knife, stabbing him and taking his wallet. He had not seen his attacker's face. The police had found no fingerprints on the knife. The handle had been wiped clean after the attack. As there were no witnesses, the police had no suspects, so the case, like so many other assaults in the city, was left unsolved.

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