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----Nissin POV---

"Where is she?" Faya looked around the parking lot in a panic.

We fought the crowd as the concert ended and we tried to run back into the stadium.

"LUX!" Faya screamed to the top of her lungs.

"LUX! WHERE ARE YOU?" Sunny joined.

"Guys, it's no use. If Kaeden has her, he pulled her into the Cosmos. We are completely trapped here, and we cannot help her." I said, causing both of them to stop in their tracks on the grassy field and look at me.

"LIKE HELL WE CAN'T," Sunny screamed in a rage across the empty stadium.

The echo of her voice sent a rippling sound through the stadium, attracting the presence of a nearby intruder. A sudden smell spilled into the air much like the one before, but worse bring back the stinging sensation in my nose. Taking every ounce of strength I had, I forced my head up and smelled out the source. A lonesome Kasai stood before us in the stands looking on to the stage before he turned his body in our direction and looked down at us. His thick dark black hair swayed in his eyes as the light cool breeze washed over the stadium. His grey eyes gave off a sad and remorseful look as the young man jumped down onto the grassy part of the area holding his side. His long grey t-shirt was covered in blood as he hunched over onto the green plane and began coughing.

"WHERE IS OUR QUEEN, FILTH?" Sunny growled as her eyes changed to a lighter shade of blue. I felt Faya tense up beside me as the rage spread throughout both of their bodies. Faya's eyes flickered to the same shade as her sister's as they joined hands with each other, placing their free hands in the air causing the water particles from the dew on the grass to rise.

"Your Queen is with my father," the young man coughed out as came to his feet, shaking the smoke from his mouth and letting tears fall from his eyes.

"Stop." I hurled at the two angry women who still barked insults at the boy."Who is your father? And what does he want with Lux?" I asked as I walked between the two women and ripping their hands apart.

"Her tongue shall be burned from her throat, and any knowledge of the last great fox will be wiped from existence," the Kasai boy said as he closed the distance between the three of us and himself. "Well, at least that's what my father said before King Kaeden commanded that mystic bitch to pull her into the shadow realm." He said, rolling his eyes at the remark. "I am Cole. Son of Dezma- the hand and loyal advisor to the kingdom of Fire" he scoffed at the title as he removed his hand from his side and revealed the enormous hole in his side. "Well used to be anyway." He snidely remarked as he ultimately fell to the ground.

My eyes grew wide as I ran over to him. I noticed the sweat that dripped down his forehead and the river of blood coming from his wound. I placed my hand under his shirt and lifted it over his shoulders to get a better look. "My wife studied with the Shamen. Would you like her to help you?" I questioned as I took the boy's bloodied hand.

"No. I'm dying, and there is no way to stop it. My father got so caught up in his love for Kaeden and the crown that he thought I was a traitor when I told him I wanted to become a Celestial Knight and migrate here to the human world. There is no place for me in either of the realms, and my father made sure of that tonight. Everyone is scared of me, and all I want to do is leave my clan behind and start a new life of peace. I'm so tired." He said, placing his other hand to his mouth as he coughed up more blood. "I want to help you guys find queen Lux. Maybe if I help her, she'll take me into the Cosmos and claim me as her own." The boy said in a raspy tone as bright lights started to leave his eyes.

"As her hand, I can tell you she would accept you into the kingdom," I said, smiling at the young man as he gave a bloodied half-smile.

"The corrupted mystic is below the stage where the dressing rooms lie. Please don't let her deceive you." He advised us as he used his last bit of energy and pointed behind the stage curtain. Giving his last breath, he pulled me into an embrace. "Thank you for giving me hope." He said as he closed his eyes for the last time.

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