Chapter 1

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It just needs to be a little tighter.

Boris continued to wrap the bandages around his chest. His chest almost looked flat. He finished putting the bandages around himself. 

"C'mon, Boris!" he heard Bendy yell from down the stairs.

"Just a second!" Boris yelled back, putting the clip on so the bandages would hold. Once he finished, he slipped on his shirt and left the bathroom. He scurried down the stairs.

"Jeez, what took you so long?" Bendy asked as they made their way to the door.

"I-I couldn't find my shirt," Boris stuttered, making up an excuse.

"Well, whatever, that doesn't matter now. We have to meet the rest of the gang at that restaurant soon, so let's get going."

"Okay," Boris said as they walked out the door.


"Uh, Bendy?" Boris asked his brother. They were about halfway to the restaurant when Boris realized something.

"Yeah?" Bendy looked at him, a little concerned.

"Can we..." Boris trailed off, feeling embarrassed for asking this question.

"What? What is it?" Bendy asked, growing more concerned.

"Can we not tell the others about.... You know," Boris shyly said.

"Yeah, of course, lil' bro," Bendy replied, knowing what Boris was referring to.

"Heh, thanks, Bends," Boris smiled at his brother, his tail wagging a little.

"Anything for you, bro. You're the best brother anyone could ask for!" Bendy exclaimed as he gave his brother a gentle hug. Boris blushed and smiled at that statement.

Even though it had been a couple months since he came out to Bendy, it still always put a smile on his face when he was referred to as a guy, or by the name Boris. Never again would he have to go by that other dreadful, horrible name that he was born with. Never again would he have to put up with being called 'she' or 'girl'. Even though he didn't realize it when he was younger, and if anything was encouraged to bring out his feminine traits, he realized that he didn't want to live like that. He hated having to wear dresses, he never wanted to play with dolls. He much rather would have played with cars and trains. But now that was all in the past. When he came out to Bendy just a few short months ago, everything changed. He was finally the person he was ment to be all of his life.


"Umm, Bendy, can I talk to you?" Boreese peeked around the corner.

"Yeah, of course lil' sis!" Boreese internally winced at that remark.

"C-Could we sit on the couch?" Boreese hated being so nervous, but this was very important.

"Uhh, sure, sis," Bendy said, feeling that this would be a serious conversation.

Now that they were both seated on the couch, Boreese decided it was time to tell Bendy everything that he had experienced in the past few months.

"Well, umm, okay, how do I put this..." Boreese was mumbling to himself. Bendy shot him a concerned look. "Bendy, I..." Boreese stopped. He didn't want to say it. What would Bendy think? What if he doesn't accept me? What if he throws me out? All these thoughts were going through Boreese's mind.

Boreese decided to just go for it. What was the worst that could happen?

"Bendy, I-I feel like a guy... I don't feel like a girl. I don't wanna be a girl. In my mind I'm a boy. I-It's taken me a long time to figure this out, but I know I'm not a girl. Just..." Boreese didn't even realize he was crying until now. "I just hate my body and I wish I could've been born a boy!"

Boreese looked at Bendy, his vision blurry from the tears.

"So, you're a boy now?" Bendy was trying to comprehend what his now little brother had said. Boreese nodded, tears running down his face.

"I'm really glad you told me this, Boreese," Bendy said, a calm smile appearing on his face. Boreese's eyes widened, surprised to hear what his brother said.

"R-Really? You're not mad?" Boreese asked in disbelief. "Of course not!" His brother replied, "How could I ever get mad at you? You're the best little Wolfie anyone could ever ask for!" Bendy hugged his brother.

Boreese was crying as he hugged back. He cried out of relief, now.

"Th-Thank you, Bendy." He managed to say.

"Hey, no need to thank me, bro. I'm just doing what any decent person would do," Bendy chuckled. "But, if you're going to be seen as a guy, you're going to need a better name than Boreese." Boreese nodded. "How about we just do a flip of your name? What about Boris?" Bendy asked. Boreese's ears perked up.

"Yeah! That sounds like a great name!"


Bendy and Boris walked into the restaurant to see the rest of the group seated around a table. Felix and Cuphead were trying to make conversation, and Mugman was listening to them fail. He was the first to notice Bendy and Boris walk in.

"Bestie!" he exclaimed as he quickly got out of his chair and ran over to hug him. Boris jumped at the sudden action.

"H-Hey!" he said, not being able to say much due to Mugman hugging him so hard. Mugman let go with a big smile across his face.

"What took you guys so damn long?" Cuphead said as the three were approaching the table.

"It's a long walk from our home," Boris said.

"Well you could've left earlier," Cuphead replied.

"Hey, that's enough," Felix said, "We should get going anyway. We don't have much time before nightfall." The rest of the group agreed. Then, Boris realized something. He didn't pack any type of bra! All he packed were bandages! What am I going to do when night comes?

"Boris, you okay?" Mugman asked, seeing Boris in a panicked state.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine! I just forgot to pack something," Boris replied. "Oh, but it's nothing important!" Boris quickly added, faking a smile.

"Well, let's get a move on," Felix said, standing up. Cuphead followed, and the gang was off.


Whoo, over 1000 words! I hope you enjoy the story so far!

/slightly edited/

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