Chapter 3

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Night was approaching soon. Boris felt butterflies in his stomach, and not the good kind. He felt like he was going to throw up due to him being so nervous. It was bad enough he wasn't prepared for nightfall, but now he had to bunk with someone that didn't know his secret.

Felix yawned. "It's getting late, if we want to be up early tomorrow, we should go to bed," he said sleepily. The rest of the group, besides Boris, happily agreed. Felix and Mugman started a fire, Mugman shooting the pieces of wood for them to light. The gang set up their tents around it; no one wants to freeze in the middle of the night.

Mugman looked happily at Boris. "Ready Bestie?" he asked as he was putting the final stake of his tent in the ground.

"Y-Yeah," Boris replied, mentally cursing himself that he showed his nervousness. Mugman smiled and crawled in the tent.

"I'll change in the tent first, then I'll get out and you can change. Alright?"

"Yeah, ok," Boris said. At least he remembered to pack his pajamas.

Boris debated over what to do. You can sleep with the bandages on, risking hurting yourself, but no one will be suspicious. Or you can take the bandages off while greatly risking someone finding out, especially Mugs. What if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he hates me? What if he says I'm not a real man, just a confused little girl?

Boris teared up at the thought of being called that. He decided.

I'll sleep with the bandages on. Even if I end up hurting myself...

Mugman crawled out of the tent. "Okay, your turn!" he said, smiling at Boris. Boris smiled back, hiding the fear that was inside of him. He crawled inside of the tent and rummaged through his bag.

He found his pajamas deep in the bag. He quickly took off his shirt, trying to be as fast as possible incase someone were to walk in for any reason. He put his top on and quickly buttoned it up. Then he did the same tactic with his pants.

Once he was finished he opened the tent and peeked out. "Okay, Mugs, I'm ready," he smiled at his friend. Mugman hopped up from his place by the fire and smiled at the wolf.

"Goodnight, guys!" Mugman said to the rest of the group seated around the fire.

"Going to bed already? What are you, a little kid?" Cuphead chuckled. Mugman scoffed.

"Maybe I'm trying to rest up for all the hiking we'll be doing tomorrow, unlike some people," he remarked. That earned a 'Haha, nice one!' from Bendy. Boris chuckled.

"I think Mugman has the right idea. We should all be going to bed. We need a lot of energy for tomorrow," Felix spoke, standing up from his spot near the fire and stretching. Bendy did the same, yawning.

"Yeah, it's getting late. We should all hit the hay," Bendy said. He then looked at Cuphead. "Since Boris and Mugman are bunking together, I guess that means we should, too," he suggested.

Cuphead looked at Bendy like the demon had just asked to suck him off.
"What the fuck? No way!" he retorted.

Bendy scowled. "C'mon, dude, I've got no where to sleep! I don't wanna sleep on the hard ground!" Bendy complained, wondering why it was such a big deal.

"Not happening," Cuphead said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry Bendy, you can bunk with me tonight if you'd like," Felix said with a chipper tone, making Bendy's face turn bright red.

"O-Oh no, Mr. Felix, I-I couldn't possibly let you do that," he stammered.

Cuphead chuckled, "Oh so you're fine bunking with me, but if Felix asks you say no." Bendy glared at him.

"Sh-Shut up," he stammered, looking away in embarrassment.

Boris and Mugman watched the whole scene unravel, giggling like little kids. Cuphead turned towards them. "Hey, you guys stared all this with your bunking together! You have no room to talk," he scowled. That just got a bigger reaction from the two.

"Okay, okay, we're going," Boris said, trying to calm his laughing. Mugman agreed and they both went in the tent, silently listening to the conversation that carried on outside. They listened for a while until Boris suggested they actually try to sleep.

"Yeah, I guess so. It is actually getting pretty late," Mugman said, laying down on his sleeping bag.

Boris's butterflies came back. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. But it's too late to back up now.

"Are you okay, Boris? You seem like you're worried about something," Mugman looked over at the young wolf.

"No, I'm..." Boris trailed off. He should tell Mugman something, anything, to get him off his back. "I'm just nervous not sleeping with Bendy, that's all."

"Aww, Boris, that's okay. I used to be the same way with Cup. After a little while, it won't be so bad," Mugman comforted. Boris internally let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he bought it.

"Thanks, Mug," Boris said, giving a small smile. "Guess we should go to sleep now, huh?" Mugman nodded in agreement. He blew out the lamp.

"Goodnight, bestie," Mugman said.

Boris smiled. "Goodnight, bestie."


I actually have something planned for the next chapter so be sure to stay tuned! Apologies for how long this took.

/slightly edited/

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