Bestfriends and a Teacher

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"Did you see what happened earlier? "

"Yeah, so like Garu broke up with Pucca"

"The rumors were true"

"I didn't expect Pucca to be that kind of girl"

"I mean she had Garu now Tobe? "

"Woah, how low can she get? "

Whispers filled the room, gossip here and there. Ching just had enough and couldn't stand to see her best friend being treated like that.

She slammed her desk making the crowd silent and turn their attention to her. Walked up to the teacher's table.

"Alright " she slammed a hand on the blackboard, everyone stunned to see such behavior from their class representative.

"I know everyone has their own say of today's latest issue but-" she paused and cleared her throat and looked at everyone more seriously and coldly.

"All of you are as low as the rumors, idiots! "


"Listen, we all saw it. Garu had enough of Pucca. But to me, he wasted a really good person who is kind, helpful and friendly and you guys... " she punched the board earning a crack on in.

her head red from the flared emotions.

"We all know Pucca, how good she is and if Garu can't see that? It's his loss, now stop with your gossiping! "

Everyone bowed in their seats as an apology, Ching walked to Pucca's seat and earned a smile from her best friend.

Pucca was greatful for this friendship they had, they had each other through thick and thin, inseparable.

"So Pucca..." Ching started.


"About earlier..? " she fidgeted.

Pucca tilted her head to the side.

"I'm curious! Why did Tobe bring you back"

Pucca was silent (as always) (xD Lol)

Ching squealed "Oh yeeaahhhhh! " she scratched her head. "We're in public how about later, you'll tell me right? Her eyes filled with glimmering curiosity.

Pucca nodded and giggled, this made Ching jump in excitement but was ended by the warning of the teacher who came in who saw her expression that was troublesome for him.


Well on Tobe's side, he's still a bit out from it all. 'Pucca kissed me! ' his thoughts ran in all directions, he was too messed up to see the teacher coming in.

He got what he deserved a flying chalk to his forehead that brought him back to reality.

'Sigh' 'Focus, Tobe. Focus!'
He took out a notebook and wrote their lesson.

"Pssst, meh. Psssst"

Tobe looked to his side and saw his friend (best friend for the other party) Clown grinning at him, they were seatmates.

"I heard you helped a dango head earlier" Clown grimaced at his own information.

"How did you know? " Tobe whispered back.

"Professor Shaman told me" Clown winked.

Of course he would, he and Shaman are cousins.

Tobe looked at their teacher.

"And I thought we were colleagues? " he tch'ed

"Professor Shaman"

Short chapter, phone broken. Lol. Stay tuned!

Funny Love no More (Tobe x Pucca) Where stories live. Discover now