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After a while, "they" had finished with their cooking and the guys agreed to clean up since Aisha did all the work while they were busy fighting and creating a mess.

Meanwhile, the brunette decided to go train in the yard with the wooden dummy and the sword. She knew Alex and Sky were coming back at some point during the day and she hoped she would get some adrenaline out of her despite sucking with using swords. 

She remembered how good it felt to spar with Claire instead of a wooden dummy and her face fell right away. She sighed before fixing her eyes back on the wooden thing just waiting to be ruined by her blade.

She stood herself in front of it and practiced the manoeuvres that Fabian had shown her time and time again. When she stumbled over her own feet she couldn't hold in her yell of frustration.

"You need to lower your stance."

Aisha jumped at the sound of the voice.

She twirled around, and she hadn't meant to but she brought her sword with her. Luckily, the person had good reflexes, very good reflexes apparently because in a second her sword was unsheathed. 

A smooth shearing noise was made as she whipped out the weapon, blocking Aisha's accidental attack and easily unarming her. The brunette's sword flew through the air and the point jammed into the ground, leaving it sticking up out of the grass.

Sky stood in front of her, her expression not giving away any sign of emotion. "I knew you hated me but that's still one hell of a welcome home gift," she said, her voice still emotionless. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Aisha shrugged. 

"Here, let me show you."

Sky lunged and tucked into a neat roll, she sprung to her feet and quickly swung her sword. The sharp edge of her blade collided with the wooden dummy in front of her with a loud thud and splinters flew out in all directions. She spun and slashed her sword down and this time the makeshift wooden arm was dismembered. 

"Looks easy enough," Aisha muttered sarcastically.

Sky lowered her arm and stuck the point of her sword into the dirt, then leaned some of her weight on the hilt of her sword. "Should be by now."

Just as Aisha was about to retort, Alex showed up next to them. "You know she won't learn until she wants to, Lewis."

"Whatever Evans. Wanna dance?" Sky smirked at Alex who immediately grabbed a sword of her own. 


They circled around each other easily, and naturally slipped into an easy exercise. They were making slow attacks so that the other could practice their defence techniques without worry of being cut while they continued talking to Aisha about her lack of will to train.

"You know, given your enormous injury record I'd reconsider this entire 'oh I don't need to learn shit' thought process," Alex said dryly.

Sky dodged to the side then dipped under Alex's slow moving blade. "I mean honestly, Ai, I get that you don't want to train with your demons but at least train your body."

"I'm trying," Aisha nearly screamed at her but managed to keep her voice just slightly above the indoor volume. There was a soft clang as their swords clashed together before either of them replied. 

"Sure, Ai."

"Okay, fight me now then," Aisha shrugged, pushing herself off from where she had been spectating the two skilled warriors.

Just as Alex was about to give her a snarky reply, she noticed a familiar figure walking towards their residence. 

"I'll have to leave you to blondie's mercy, Ai," she muttered before rushing forward to intercept the woman before she could knock on Manuel's door. 

My demons: Healing (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now