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"Alex?" Sky leaned against the doorframe of their living room and called out for her best friend who was sat on a sofa, nursing her drink. "We made pancakes, want some?"

Upon receiving no reply, she moved further into the room, plopping herself down next to the brunette who made no indication that she had spotted her. 

"Lex?" she tried again, leaning to look at the girl. There was a far off look in her eyes and a dopey smile on her lips. "Lord help me," she muttered before placing her arms on Alex' biceps, shaking her slightly. 

"What?" the brunette asked, startled. 

"You know, I think I preferred you when you were still pinning over Rose and denying it every step of the way. At least that version of you was functioning," Sky chuckled before moving away from Alex and settling in a more comfortable position on the sofa right to the one Alex was occupying. 

"I'm functional," the brunette grumbled to which Sky just slowly arched her brow, amused smirk on her lips. 

Before she could tease her further, Claire entered the room with Lucius placed on her hip. She plopped herself down next to Sky, laying down with her head in the blonde's lap. "What's up Lex?" she asked, carefully placing Lucius on her stomach. She ran her finger down his nose drawing out a small giggle from him and a smile from herself while waiting for a reply. 

"I was just thinking," the brunette started. "You guys need a room for the little one and my room is the closest to yours so it would be ideal if I were to roomie up with someone."

Lucius fidgeted in Claire's lap, losing his balance but her hands were there quickly to catch and stabilize him. "Oopsie!" she said in her 'Lucius voice', tickling the baby's belly softly. 

"You want to move to Rose's room?" Sky asked after sending a soft smile towards Claire and the toddler. 

"I just think it would be beneficial but I don't want her to get the wrong impression because we haven't...well we aren't..." she struggled to find the words, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. 

"Alex, relax. Ask Rose how she feels about it. And I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be opposed to the S E X either," Sky winked, making Alex choke on her drink. 

She grumbled out a rather incoherent reply while trying in vain to hide her blush. "Nice," Claire smirked up at her wife.

Their teasing was interrupted by Marco who barged into the room, throwing himself onto the lounging chair. "Where the hell is Nathan?" he asked, looking at Claire as if she was somehow supposed to be aware of his leader's movements. 

When she just shrugged before turning to play with her son, he let out a deep sigh, accompanied by a shake of his head. 

"What's wrong with that one?" he asked instead, tilting his head towards Alex who was still struggling to rid her face of the deep blush, unable to stop the images that were playing inside her head from the moment Sky mentioned Rose and sex in the same sentence.

"Rose," Sky shrugged in response before her eyes dropped onto his black jeans. There were rips and tears in them, along little dark patches that she assumed to be blood. 

"What happened to you?" she asked then, getting nothing but a puzzled look in response. "Your pants," she elaborated and he just waved his hand belittlingly. "Oh nothing, I'm sure Claire will be able to fill you in. I do need to talk to Nathan still, he will want a report on our army check up."

Sky turned her gaze to Claire, quirking a brow in question. "Sorry, it kind of slipped my mind," her wife responded, uneasiness coating her words. "I'd rather talk about it with the entire group though, might get a better idea on what actually happened as I'm not entirely sure. I have a feeling Jade will be able to help. And I do want to talk to Aisha, see if she still has my father's book and if she could check a theory for me. But no, I hadn't seen Nathan, or her for that matter."

"Alex, can you stop daydreaming about Rose and be useful for a moment?" Sky called out, throwing a pillow towards the brunette. She narrowly dodged it, but the projectile effectively teared her out of her thoughts and back into their living room. "Aye aye, captain!" she saluted mockingly. "What do you want from me, O'Brien?"

"Nothing," Claire shrugged, lifting Lucius up to pepper kisses against his stomach while he giggled and shrieked in joy. 

"Not you, the prettier one," Alex deadpanned, but Claire seemed unfazed by her jab. 

"I always knew you had exceptional taste," Sky nodded solemnly. "Now, have you seen Nathan or Aisha anywhere?"

"No, I really don't think I have," the brunette shook her head. 

"No one had," Sky hummed then. "Where are they?"

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