Stand off

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"We are surrounded," Fabian murmured to Alex who simply groaned in response. 

"We are going to die," Aisha whispered from the backseat and Alex rolled her eyes, letting out an offended huff.

"Think with a little more positivism!" Fabian grinned at her, twirling a knife in his hand. 

 "We are going to die quickly," Aisha replied to that and Fabian had to fight hard to bite back a laugh that had threatened to escape his throat. He knew Alex was on edge, he didn't want to fuel her fire further. 

"Shall we?" he asked instead, turning to the demon wielder. She nodded in response before getting out of the car, Aisha following the movement moments later. 

"Stay behind," Alex hissed at her before her eyes adapted the reddish hue and she prepared to face their attackers.

There was stillness on both sides. Alex and Fabian waited, trying desperately to assess the situation while their attackers prepared for the first blow. Then suddenly movement, so much force in every blow, figures seemingly coming at them from every direction.


Claire had prepared herself for death a long time ago, but back then she expected death to be a rest, a reprieve, after the centuries of nothing but pain and suffering. But now, although she stayed calm and pretended serenity for Sky, all she could think about was what she was losing. She knew there was a strong chance some of them will be dead come morning. She had heard of the shadows and their powers were on equal if not higher level as her own. She was guessing they were only sent there to observe. She was praying she was right; the shadows only sent small groups on such assignments. That would give them a chance to survive. If not, she at least needed to make sure Alex survived. That would help Sky, give Sky a chance to live on in a world in which Claire no longer existed. She needed to do this, for her.

She stopped in her tracks moments before reaching the spot Fabian had parked his car on, taking in the scene in front of her. A bloodcurdling scream penetrated the air around them and Claire felt her blood freezing in her veins. "Alex!"

She looked around desperate to get a read on the situation. She noticed Fabian, fighting with two figures who were seemingly trying to get to Aisha. She motioned to Manuel to go help him, she knew it was an unfair fight considering Aisha was untrained. 

After that, her eyes found Alex. She was on the ground, surrounded by hooded figures. She internally cursed, knowing full well she would die if she intercepted but also knowing Alex wouldn't have a chance if she stayed back. She had to try. 

With one last inhale, she willed her demons to take over.


A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Alex' body. Her stomach ached, her arms lost tension and her legs began to weaken. She whined in agony as she dropped to the ground. Her tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, she grabbed the foot of one of her attackers and pulled him to the ground. Her head was pounding but she wanted to at least get one more kill before she met her creator. She slit his throat before being overpowered once again by the figures standing around her.

Her entire body jarred with each blow, pain searing through her skin as she took a hit after hit from the other four figures. 

"Alex!" she heard Claire's yell and turned in time to see the black haired killer engaging in a fight with three out of four of her attackers. She forced herself to get up, she knew she had one man to take down before she could go aid her.

The hooded figure delivered the first blow with his blade quickly, but Alex side stepped as she backed up. Missed. She re-gripped her dagger and charged toward the exposed opponent. The figure counted with his weapon but Alex wacked it aside with her battle knife that had been secured in her other hand. Before she could deliver the next thrust to her attacker's chest, they dropped their weapon, grabbing her throat. Alex ignored the urge to breathe as she plunged her blade to the exposed stomach of the figure choking her. She watched as her attacker spat blood and fell in slow motion.

She turned to help Claire when suddenly, she felt a hit to the back of her head and she recoiled, falling on her knees. She spat out blood right before a foot connected with her back, sending her to the ground fully. 

She cried out as darkness took over, Claire's helpless scream ringing in her ears before all noise stopped.

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