The chase

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"Watch it," Claire hissed, not sure if Marco could even hear her over the roar of the bike and the wind pushing into them. Not that it mattered anyway. Her grip around his waist tightened as he only seemed to speed up more, making her regret riding with him to begin with. Not that she had much of a choice.

"You okay back there?" he spoke loudly against the wind and she fought the urge to roll her eyes at him. "Just drive," she mumbled, ignoring the uneasiness she was feeling. 

She sighed. 

The day had started so peacefully. She had woken up with Sky's arms around her and revelled in over five minutes of peace before their son demanded attention. She had spent the next few hours tending to the toddler as she had for the past week he had been with them. 

But now, she was far away from home. Far away from her wife and her son, at the back of a goddamned motorbike that Marco was driving at a speed that shouldn't be possible. 

They were on a run.

He drove forward, patiently calculating his next move as he followed the road. When finally, he spotted a truck on the right side road of the crossroad they were approaching. Speeding even further to make sure to cut it, he drove past it just in time and into a narrow street just after a very obscure turn and then another sharp, mildly dangerous one. Finally, no cars were behind them and they could both breathe more easily. 

Even then, Marco kept driving at a high speed, unable to completely rid of the uneasy feeling that had settled inside his chest. 

They hadn't expected a stand off. Hell, they hadn't expected anything other than a leisure check in with their people to make sure all was well within the army. They had decided to end the killings for now, seeing as the shadows were silent and there weren't many people left to kill anyway. But they still had groups spread all around the nearby cities and their home town, just to be safe. 

After they had left the group they were assigned to check, they had been flaked by enemies. By the time they had reached his bike, he had managed to shoot three while Claire's number went up to five or six, he wasn't sure. 

"Who were they?" he asked, turning his head to the side to try to over shout the wind that was lashing against his face relentlessly. 

"Not shadows," she shouted back. "Eyes on the road!"

He chuckled before doing as she wished. She would never admit it, but she was afraid and he couldn't wait to tease her about it later.


He couldn't stop the laugh that escaped his throat when she all but leaped off the bike the second he pulled to a stop in front of the North's mansion. "Not a word," she hissed, fixing him with a glare before she bolted towards the house, searching for her family.

She found them in the kitchen. There was flour splattered all over the floor, and a half naked Lucius sitting in the middle of it all. Sky was just crouching down next to him when she heard her wife approaching, and turned to look in her direction.

"We had an accident," she announced. 

Claire blinked. "I can see that," she said. 

"What happened?" she asked before rushing forward to help the blonde. "Which one of my favourite blondes will tell me?" she winked, before pressing a kiss on Lucius' cheek and one against Sky's lips. 

"Considering this one,-" Sky stopped to pinch the toddler's cheek, "can't talk yet, I'll have to do the explaining. We were making pancakes and he was sat on the floor, playing with that god awful toy Manuel had gotten him."

"The stuffed hippo? I think it's cute," Claire grinned, knowing Sky wasn't the biggest fan of the animal, thus disliking the plush version of it as well. 

"Sure you do," Sky rolled her eyes. "Regardless, I turned my back to him for maybe a minute or so and during that time, he had gotten bored of the toy, somehow reached up to the shelf beside his head to get the packet of flour and pushed it off the shelf to the floor."

Claire only chuckled, shaking her head. "Let me go clean him up and then I can help you deal with this mess?" she suggested, reaching for the toddler who was already extending his little arms in her direction. 

"I'll clean while you deal with him, but come back down after. We can make pancakes together," Sky replied with a soft smile as she watched Claire scoop their son up in her arms, placing him against her hip. 

Claire nodded before leaving Sky alone in the kitchen. She may have been chased by some random people and she may have had to end some lives but at the end of the day, all of that faded the second she was with her family. Finally, after over a century of searching, she found some inner peace.

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