Training with a (fr)enemy

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Sky slammed Aisha against the wall, and the brunette felt her spine vibrate with the impact. She swallowed roughly, tasting her own blood and nearly choking on it.

"Sloppy!" Sky snapped, holding her hand tightly around Aisha's throat and giving it a little squeeze for good measure. "Sloppy and stupid, and now you're dead."

Aisha shut her eyes briefly and let out a scream of frustration.

Sky let go of her, eyeing her with a mixture of mild interest and concern. "You were doing just fine until you left your blind side open."

Aisha grunted and rubbed her throat gingerly. "A blind side is by definition something that's open!"

Sky immediately realised she will have to change her tactic again if she was to actually make a fighter out of the brunette. "Which is why you have to be aware of it at all times. Unless you wish to end up like Alina," she deadpanned, her voice louder and icier than moments ago. She saw the brunette trembling but she didn't let up. She needed her to snap. "Or like Jay, Lucas, Travis, Victor. Like your mother."

Aisha's gaze grew furious as she snapped her head around to meet Sky's eyes, fire burning in her throat and chest. "Don't you dare," she hissed, making a move against the blonde.

Sky didn't hesitate before slamming the brunette into the ground, her knee on her chest as she leaned in close enough that Aisha could feel her hot breath on her face. Her voice was quiet but dangerous. "Why wouldn't I dare? What are you going to do, Aisha? You can't even stay on your feet unless I allow you to. You are weak and you chose to stay weak every waking moment. Do you have a death wish? Do you wish to join them?"

Aisha let out a growl alike to a wounded animal before she twisted beneath Sky and flipped them over suddenly. She slammed the blonde flat onto her back, and rolled onto her chest with the edge of her knife pressed to her throat, her hazel eyes burning with rage and exhilaration. 

In that moment, Sky realised taunting the brunette may not have  been her brightest idea. It might be the idea that finally gets her killed. She swallowed roughly and the movement caused the edge of Aisha's blade to scrape against the tender skin of her neck, drawing blood ever so slightly.

"Give me one good reason Sky," Aisha growled pressing further down onto the blonde's throat. 

The blonde refused to be reduced to a pleading mess so she stifled a whimper that threatened to escape her throat. 

She didn't want to die. On the contrary, she had many reasons to stay alive. She finally had her girl back. She had her best friend finally cured. There was a promise of a bright future somewhere in the far distance. 

But she was exhausted. The past few months have taken a toll on both her mind and her body and she felt as if she had no fight left in her. Maybe giving in wasn't such a bad thing. She closed her eyes in resignation as she felt the blade piercing her skin further.

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