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Jacob p.o.v

I held onto Beatrice as I told her that I love her. I finally realize that shes only in my T-shirt and panties so I carry her back home. My brother,trapper and all of my family and friends stepped out giving a round of applause. "Congrats Jacob!!" I look down at Beatrice who's just giggling. I walk by everyone until trapper stopped me. He looked at me then at Beatrice. "Talk with me in my room." I nodded and kept going. When I made it to the house I walked in and up The stairs to my room.

I put Beatrice down and give her a kiss on the head. "I'll be back." She nodded then turned towards the bed. I closed the door and jogged down to trappers room. I walk in and he sitting on his chair arms crossed. Trappers room was a dark blue with millions of bands on the wall. "What's up little bro?" He stood. "You know what is. When will you Tell her?" I sighed then grabbed my hair. "I can't now. Not right now..." Trapper stepped closer and leaned forward. "You better find a way to tell her or I will. An alphas mate should always know what they are." I sighed then stepped out of his room. I walked back to my room to find Bea not there. I look out The window but she's nowhere in sight. "Beatrice?" I called her name in the hall way

I ran down to the dining room only to see Kya. "Kya where is Bea?" She shrugged then pointed at the door. I dashed outside and ran towards her house. I ran inside and yelled her name but no response. I ran back outside and finally found her on top of one of the trees.

"Bea what are you doing up there?" She shrugged then jumped down into my arms. "I just wanted to see the view of the whole city." I gave her a kiss then leaned my head on hers. "Don't disappear on me like that." She nodded then jumped out of my arms. I decided to take her to the mall afterwards since she was in need of clothes. We walked to every shop getting all types of clothes. "Babe don't you think this is enough?"

"Yea that's good. We can get something to eat at the food court." I nodded then headed my way over there to set  the bags down. I walked to one of the restaurants and ordered two sandwiches. I looked at Bea who was just on her phone snapping away. While I was getting the food one of my senses heightened. "Get your hands off me freak!" I turned to see a man grabbing Beatrice. I rushed over there and grabbed him by the throat holding him high. The man clawed at my hand. I growled. "Don't ever touch my girl unless your wanting to get hurt." She rested her hand on my arm making me drop the man. I turned and grabbed her bags leading us out. "Your an alpha." I stopped and stiffed up. "Oh does your girlfriend know this?" She looked at me then back at the man. "What is he talking about Jacob?"
I kept walking ignoring the man and Beatrice.

I made it to the car and threw her bags in the backseat then climbed in the driver seat. She got in too which only made me comfortable. I drove us home in silence. Jeez this guy. I thought to myself.

Bea grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I sighed then pulled into the driveway. I stepped out and grabbed her bags. I walked into the house and up to my room,dropping the bags on the floor. I laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Bea came in and laid on my chest stroking my hair. "What was that guy talking about Jacob?" I sighed then looked at her. "It was nothing. He must be on crack or something." She nodded then snuggled closer,making me rest my hand on her hip. We drifted off into a deep sleep. A few hours later I heard Bea scream coming from outside.

I shot up then walked over to the windows to see a wolf standing right in front of her. I ran down the stairs and towards her. Just before the wolf could jump on her I tackled him down to he ground growling. I jump off of him letting him stand. "You think you can defeat me!?" I heard his voice in my head. I looked at Bea then shifted into my wolf. I stood on all fours, growling. Me and the wolf shifted in a circle looking dead in eachothers eyes. The wolf leaped at my neck only for me to bite a patch of hair off his side. He stood and looked at his side then back at me. My growl grew louder then I howled letting the others know I was in a fight. Everyone came outside staring at me and the trespasser. The wolf took a leap again but this time I dodge it and clamped my jaw down on his neck. I tightened my grip so he couldnt get away which made him whimper and wince. I snapped his neck then threw him across the yard. He drew a breath,shifting into his human form. I stalked over to him then sat right in front of him, watching him die. He stared at me then died,his eyes still on me. I shifted back into my human form and picked up the guy. I walked to the porch and sat him down. I sat and prayed up to our moon goddess praying that he makes up to their gates. Everyone else joined me and howled into the night.

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