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Beatrice p.o.v

I awoke to being on silk sheets. I slowly sat up and took in the space. The room was nice and big. I wore a red silk gown. The door slightly  opened and and there stood justice. "Hello my princess. How was your sleep?" He walked over to me and ran his hands down my sides. I looked into his eyes and slowly remembered. I growled and shoved him away. "Let me go!" Justice raised his hands in surrender.

  "I'm not gonna hurt you." I growled and my claws started coming out. "You did when you punched my stomach  with my baby inside and drugged me on that fucking table!" Justice smiled. "You do remember. I thought they drug would help. Well now I can show you something." Justice pulled out a button. The button blinked indicating  it was active. "See if you just graze your hand over your stomach you would know I worked on you." I lifted the gown and looked at the long line going across. "What the hell did you do?!" He chuckled. "I planted a tiny bomb in your womb. So you make a bad move or even try to kill me and my man then I'll have no choice but to kill you and the baby. Now I love you but if that's what it has to be then that's what happens which means nobody has you." I looked at him in horror. "Your a bastard!" He laughed. Justice tucked the button back in his pocket and walked towards me. "Give me a kiss princess." I shoved him away.

He pulled me to his  chest. "I shouldn't repeat. Give me a kiss." I looked at the button in his hand then sighed. I leaned up,puckering my lips. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. He pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. At that moment I felt disgusted. His tongue slipped into my mouth,letting him taste me. His tongue swirled with mine, and my eyes widened. He finally parted and took a deep breath. "Your sweet like candy" I sighed and looked away from him. He dragged me out of the room and into the hallway. My eyes began to well up with tears. We stood at the top of stairs and everyone clapped. "I finally got me a mate I can love for eternity! Give it up for Beatrice myers!!" Everyone whistled and clapped. I looked at everyone. They all seemed happy except one. He looked at me with such worry. I tried to look closer but he began to leave. I wanted to tell but then that would make him suspicious  so I left him alone. Justice walked down the stairs with me in his arms.

Slow music came one which made everyone grab a partner and dance. Justice wrapped his arms on my back and I wrapped mine around his neck. We slow dance at the music. My mind drifted to Jacob and my tears slowly ran down my cheeks. "We'll  get married and after this baby maybe I'll have some little me's running around and then I'll be able to give my children my power." I nodded in his chest as my tears came running down my cheeks. I quietly  stayed in his chest as he swayed us. He gave me a spin and saw my eyes. "Look at me." I looked at him with such worry in his eyes. He wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek. "Dont cry babygirl. I love you for a long time." I nodded and thought  about the word baby girl. The music stopped and everyone stopped. Justice left me at a table and went to talk with some guys. I watched everyone socialize. "Dont worry bea. Were gonna get out of here."  I nodded at cherries response. The man before walked up to me. "Excuse me ma'am?" I looked up at him. His hair was silver and his eyes a forest green. "Are you happy?" I looked down at my thumbs. He looked both ways before sitting in front of me and grabbing my hands. "Please tell me." I shook my head no and he sighed. "I'm from your pack. I never  attended  the ascension  so he never knew who I was. I'm gonna tell Jacob where  you are so he can get you out of here." My eyes lit up but I dropped my head back down. "Promise?" The guy nodded. "All hail the alpha!" He whisper-yelled

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