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The next day I awoke to Lee standing over me,shaking me lightly.  Jacob's arm was loosely around me but it was no surprise that he would wake with me. "Come on. Let's have a run for the morning." Still a little sore I moved Jacob's arm then got up. I brushed my teeth and grabbed a fresh pair of workout clothes. I put my socks on and grabbed my shoes tip toeing out the door. I walked down the stairs and out The door with Lee behind me. I put my shoes on then walked down the steps. "You lead and I follow." I nodded and began jogging. I jogged out to the path in the woods. I began to increase my speed and felt the wind hitting my face. The smell of outside had my heart rate calm. Lee was right next to me.

I ran faster and he just caught up. I smiled then picked up full speed. We ran together until I stopped at the ocean.  Lee followed behind and stopped staring out. "Sometimes when I look at water I think of myself as just the particles that created it. I'm just flowing around,waiting to be drunken or something." I turned towards him, giving him a smile. "So when's brealfast?" I shrugged then turned around. Jacob was running towards me. He caught me in his arms hugging me tight. "What are you doing out here? I thought I lost you again." I felt one tear slid down his cheek. "I missed you too my mate." My voice switched up and some one else was trying to talk. Jacob stared at me the kissed my forehead. "I was running with Lee. He wanted a workout buddy so I decided to be one for him."

Jacob stared at Lee then stood. Lee stood still ,gulping. Jacob reached his hand out, waiting for a handshake. "I didnt think you was any good since your the son of an old leader but you seem pretty cool. I hope we can become friends." Lee shook his hand then nodded. We walked back to the pack house when Jacob stopped me. "Tomorrow is the day you turn into a wolf. I want to spend eternity with you but if you feel that your not ready we'll have our guys take my mark off."

I didn't want the mark to come off. I was ready.  I was more than ready. I nodded then walked inside. Everyone was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. "So we gonna have a breakfast party?" Kya nodded. I saw trapper and quickly walked over to him. "Hey Bea..." I slapped him across the face. Everyone stopped and turned towards us. "Don't ever  send me away without permission! Especially after I love my mate." Trapper grabbed his face. I stormed off then took deep breaths. "Sorry everyone. Lost a little control." Everyone laughed then continued. I turned to Jacob who just gawked at my strength. "I wonder what the color of your wolf will be. It reminded me and I grabbed the necklace out of my shirt and examined it. " a boy named chip made this for me. He said I'm the wolf of faith and wisdom." Jacob nodded, taking it into his hands. He pulled me close giving me a passionate kiss.

We sat at the table and said our prayer. Jacobs hand snaked around my thigh making me slap it away. We raised our heads and I stared at Jacob. "What?" I huffed then turned and looked at the food.  breakfast was so good I couldn't describe it

 werewolf Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now