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I opened my eyes to pitch black. My head banged, making it difficult  to not squint. "Do you think boss would want something  to do with her?" I looked forward. Two men were sitting next to eachother. "I dont know. Maybe he'll  rough her up because  think about it. Boss wont hurt no woman I mean he did before but that was for some reasons. This woman is clearly his life." A tear fell out of my eye. I didnt mean to hurt him but I already had a mate. The car came to a stop. Two doors opened in the back and I was pulled outside. "Oh the little princess was awake. Cmon!" He dragged me into an empty building. I was forced down into a chair and tied. "Now what should we do with you?" The man slapped me causing me to scream. He laughed then did it again. Again,again,again he hit me. "That's enough!" The voice I heard sounded angry and...hurt. I looked up to justice standing with his arms folded. "Leave!!!" Quickly the men rushed out. Justice walked over to me and grabbed my throat pulling me out of the chair. In his eyes was such horror. "Do you know what I really am?" He licked my cheek then smiled. "Maybe you'll  find out by yourself." He threw to the ground. "So, your pregnant? With the  alphas baby." I looked up at him. "How do you know?" He pulled me by my hair and dragged me across the floor. "Because  I can see many things bea. I can see it growing inside of you"  I squirmed in his hold as he dragged me out of the room. I was thrown in a cell and the door locked behind me. "You'll  stay here until you tell me that you love me." Anger filled my heart. "Never you bastard!" Justice chuckled then closed the hatch. I curled up and cried. Cherry tried slowing my mind down. 'I'll try to contact jacob' my head began to hurt but I guess that's what happens when you try to contact your mate. "I can't  get him. Were too far" I began to cry. Darkness engulfed me and I laid there in tears and pain. For what felt like forever I finally went to sleep

Later that night i awoke to the heavy door opening. Two men came in and grabbed both of my arms. I started to squirm but one punched me in my stomach. I doubled over screaming. Finally they stopped and laid me down  on a table. The began to strap me down in silver making me scream. "Let go!!! No let go of me!!!" They tightened the straps to make sure I didnt escape. Justice walked in with a mask on his face and gloves on. He wore a doctor jacket and began to sit on the stool. "Hello bea did you sleep well?" I spit onto his face making him slightly jump. He wiped it away then chuckled. He nodded to both men and they smiled. One grabbed a gag and put it in my mouth I started to scream but they were muffled by the gag. One closed the blind and cut on this bright light. My eyes darted around the room  searching for something  to help me. "Now this will hurt but it's for your own good." I felt a pinch in my arm making me scream bloody Mary. My eyes grew heavy and before you knew it I passed out

 werewolf Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now