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My eyes widened as I looked at all four men staring at me with smiles. "Were all strong but we'll  take it easy with you. Pick carefully Beatrice." I looked around to make sure there was no prank to my expression  but nobody was watching. Everyone was chatting and working. I stood under the shade looking at each one. One had blue eyes,two of them had brown eyes and another two had hazel. I took the time to look at each one but none seemed to radiate my anger except Lee. "Lee. I choose you." He smiled big and whispered to the guys. "Great let's go to the mat over there." He said pointing across the training field. I walked over there and stood on the mat. "I'll try to go easy on you. I want to see what your made of now."

No problem. I thought  to myself as I got into a fighting stance. His power radiated off him making it difficult  to focus. He lunged for me only for me to slide to the side and chop him in the neck. He stood to his full height  and smiled. I stood back into  my battle stance ready for him. He lunged at me again and landed on the mat. I laughed at him but his leg wrapped around mine pulled me down.

His arm was around my neck and his large legs wrapped around mine holding me in place. I tried to break free but he tightened.  He had both of my wrist with his other hand making sure I was secure.  He sniffed my neck then licked up to my earlobe making me shudder. "Mmm you taste like honey." I grunted then I thought up an idea.  I smirked and pretended to choke. He chuckled then tightened his grip.
He couldn't  focus as I choked harder.  His hold loosened  giving me time to elbow him in  the face and roll out of his grasp. He stood growling and checked his nose. No blood but he was pissed. He smirked and then clapped. "Good job using your own self against me. But next time try something  better.   My father would like to speak to you by the way." He walked away with a wink which made me give him the bird. I looked on the balcony to see James beckoning  me to come here.

I walked  up the stairs and to the balcony where James waited for me. "That was a good fight and very quick. Next time I'll  let Lee  know to not go so easy on you when you get stronger.  With a battle like that you may not be here very long." I nodded and watched as everyone walked around and battled. "Um...Jacob has sent a letter to you. I knew he would eventually  find out where you are and would try to get contact with you. You can read this since your no longer get training  at the moment." His accent filled my ear as I took the envelope  from him. James and Lee's  accents sound almost similar  but James is less thick.

I opened  the envelope and read his letter.

Dear Beatrice, that night, yesterday night... if I had known that they would take you I would've protected you. I'm so sorry Beatrice. I'm sorry that I didn't protect you that night.  I'm sorry you got hurt. Please call me or something  that will let me know your alright. I'll  try to find you. I'm trying to get to you. I dont feel like myself and neither does Alex. We both feel heartbroken together. Please just contact us.


Your mate,Jacob

Tears welled up in my eyes as I reread the note over and over. It's all trappers fault  that I'm stuck here. I began sobbing as a pain pierced  through my heart. A pair of arms wrapped around my body as I fell back into their heavy chest. "I want to go back to him. I dont want him to live like this. Please let me go back to my mate." Lee shushed me as I continued  to sob. He rocked back and forth comforting me which made me calm down. "You must get through with your training in order to go home. I'm sorry Beatrice." He wiped my tears away and stared into my eyes. I looked away from him and got up. I walked down the stairs and out of the house down to the punching bag. All my anger was towards the punching bag as I hit it.

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