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I stood shocked as he stood and walked towards me. The man had blondish hair and stood to 6'11,taller than Jacob he was buff in the right places and had such pink eyes. He pulled me into a hug,inhaling  my scent. "Are you..." he looked into my eyes. His pink ones burning into my brown ones. "No. People make up my legend just to scare new lunas. I dont kill woman but if I think your not worthy then I'll  leave you to scream.  I participate in every new ascend just to watch your reactions to the moon." I nodded taking a deep breath. "What were you doing with your arms." He smiled then raised his sleeves. "These are memories. I trace over them to see people that deserve to be missed. Some of them I turn into stars and help the moon gods put them in the sky."

I nodded and watched one of them play. A woman with her husband laughing with eachother. "I enjoyed  the color of your wolf." He said dipping his head back in my neck. "I-I dont even  know your name." He sighed then stood to his full height. "My names justice banghood." I giggled a little at his last name but kept a straight face. "I know it's such a sucky last name but I'm stuck with it until marriage." I stopped smiling and looked down. He raised my chin and stared at me. "Your one beautiful  wolf. I love you and cherry. Maybe next time or even tomorrow  we go have lunch or dinner." I nodded staring at his plump lips. "Tomorrow  at lunch." I whispered. He kissed my cheek at the corner of my lips. He lowered  to my ear and whispered "it's a deal." I shuddered under him and watched as he stood. Just like that he disappeared. I walked back to the party to see everyone  with worry. "What happened Beatrice?" Thats the first time I heard my name. I looked up and shook my head. I sat at a table and let everyone bring me gifts.

I got tons of clothing and cute wood carvings. A little  boy gave me a wood carving of...justice. he smiled and ran off making me take a deep breath. "Its beautiful  isn't it?" I turned to look at justice. "I thought you left?" He chuckled then sat next to me. "Love I'll never leave you." I looked at everyone  who just whispered and stared at me. "Babe who are you talking to?" I looked back at justice who grazed his hand over my leg.

"Everyone cant see me but if I want them to I will let them." Everyone gasped as they saw his body appear in front of them. Jacob's jaw tensed as he stood by me. "Nice to see you justice." Justice stood in his face smiling wide. "Right back at you...jacob" I grabbed Jacob's arm and stood. Justice  backed away and winked at me. "I'll be glad to see you another time beatrice." I nodded and looked at jacob. Once justice was gone Jacob grabbed my arm. He dragged me away from the party. His grip tightened  as we stepped closer to the house. "Let go Jacob your hurting me!" When we finally made it he pushed me into the house. "What the flip does he mean he'll  see you another time?!" I looked down then back at him. "Speak!"  Fire burned through  me and that's when I was lost. "I JUST MET HIM TODAY JACOB! DONT GET UPSET BECAUSE HE WANTS TO TALK TO ME TOMORROW. MIGHT OF FACT HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE THE DARN COUCH TONIGHT SINCE YOUR SO UPSET. ME AND CHERRY WILL SLEEP IN THE BED ROOM OR HOW ABOUT I JUST SLEEP IN THE GUEST ROOM!?" Jacob huffed. "Fine do that I dont care." I growled and stormed into the guest room. I screamed in the pillow as my head swarmed with millions of thoughts. Wait does that me he doesn't care about us?

 werewolf Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now