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Everyone sat and chatted up a storm about football games and getting their pups in some things. I thought about max and Cassandra playing some games and music. If only we had kids. I thought to myself. Jacob held my hand staring at me. I continue talking to Kya when I felt myself jump in someone's lap. "Babe what's wrong?" He sniffed my neck then sighed. "Nothing just want you close to me." I chuckled and continued to eat my food.

He smiled and held me close. Once breakfast was over I was sent to a man who helped me practice for tomorrow. "Did you know wolves can't stand silver? Well for your ascend you'll be chained to silver. You'll have to lie down naked on your back" I shivered at the thought of everyone staring at me. Kya only seen me once just because trapper tried to kill me. "Don't worry. You may have been marked but your energy will have guys climbing over each other to get to your they'll sit high on the mountains way over there." He point up at the tall mountain. "Jacob will sit there too just in case him or Alex will try to get you while your ascending." I nodded then looked around. Many things hung around. Frogs,heart,and all sorts of things were in jars.

He had me weighed and then checked my height. "Your perfect for your wolf. You wont feel any pain except the sting of the silver. If you succeed you'll be brave and change forms. If its too painful then...he...will come down to help you." I looked at the man confused. "Who is he?" He turned and continued to work on something. "Your practice and check up is over. Go back to Jacob now."

I walked out of the tent and towards the pack house. I hoped he want talking abt the man that kills woman who aren't worthy. I walked up the stairs until I was kya and lee. They were chatting up a storm and laughing. Lee saw me and waved making me smile. I walked up the stairs and into me and Jacob's bedroom. I gotten quite fond to calling his room mine. I paid the last of my Money to the bill and moved out of the house. The whole town basically turned into a great places with werewolves and regular people I don't remember the last time I got out but I need to. I dug into Jacobs drawer until a piece of paper fell out. It was something I wasn't looking forward to seeing

 werewolf Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now