"my heart is filled with you" (oli & niles)

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a/n: i feel bad that i dont reply to so many of our characters so i wrote us a thing with the precious best friend babies as a forgiveness offering ily fates-sweetheart

a/n: i feel bad that i dont reply to so many of our characters so i wrote us a thing with the precious best friend babies as a forgiveness offering ily fates-sweetheart

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"My Heart is Filled with You"

They often talked about their favorite part of Oli's room. His room was very busy, to say the least- paintings, posters, fairy lights strung over his bed, and more pillows than anyone could count- but they always agreed that the most peaceful part was the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling.

Oliver couldn't remember how young they were when Niles dragged one of the dining room chairs into his room and they started sticking them up there. Young enough that Niles would need a chair, though, so they had to have been pretty young, considering how tall the boy was now. Six foot wasn't ridiculously tall, but he still had Oliver beat by a solid three (and a half) inches.

Oliver had never taken them down after all that. He had never wanted to. Most of the time, if Niles did something to his room, it stayed like that, no matter what it was.

Now, when he couldn't sleep, he counted them.

With both of them crammed onto the bed, a familiar tangle of limbs and sheets, the silence blanketed over them like silk. They had been sleeping together like this, in the same bed, wrapped up in the comfort of each other, since they were kids. It was a habit that neither of them wanted to break, much to Oli's enjoyment. Oliver stared up at the ceiling, counting the stars that he had memorized by heart like he had never counted them before. He listened to Niles breathing, slow and deep, but Oliver could tell he wasn't asleep either.

Oliver glanced over at the alarm clock on his dresser. They were lucky neither of them were busy tomorrow. He turned his head forward again, resuming his counting.

"Can't sleep either?"

Oliver lost track of what number he was on. Niles had a voice like a thunderstorm far away; the kind that was deep and seemed to sink under Oliver's skin, bringing him the kind of peace that a rainstorm could bring. He shook his head, the fabric on the pillow he was using making a swishy sound. "No. Too busy thinking."


Oliver sighed. "The world? I don't know."

They were both quiet for a second, before Oliver felt Niles move away from him a bit, turning onto his side and facing Oliver. After a second, Oliver did the same. They had been sitting in the dark for long enough that Oliver could make out his face, all the edges and softness to it.

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