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without noticing i fell asleep, i was chatting with johnny all day and it really makes me happy because i like him, and he's not that rude.

its 9pm now i finished all the stuffs i should i reorganize my bag and went to sleep, usually i sleep at 1am or 2am but im excited to see johnny thats why i immediately sleep.

*buzz buzz buzz*

i woke up to my alarm, i actually never set my alarm but this time i did i want to wake up a little bit earlier so i can have enough time prepping myself

"mackenzie you wake up early, are you good?" maddie said jokingly, "hahaha yes i am" i said smiling

"is my little sister in love" a little smirk appeared on her face, "i don't know, maybe?" i said

our mom dropped us on our school i was very excited to see him, i was searching everywhere but i can't find him so i went in the rooftop.

i saw annie and johnny making out, i was obviously disgusted and sad, it was probably the most disappointing moment i have ever made.

"bro, what the fuck" i said confused

they where shocked and immediately neat theirselves out, annie rushed downstairs.

"why are you making out with annie, i thought you were with nadia, oh wait yeah you're a cheater" i said sarcastically

"there's long story behind it, and i don't even like nadia" he sighs

"wait what?! you don't even like her yet you still hook up and make out with her, are you just in a relationship for sex?!" i said

"well partly yes, but it's a long story to tell and we're almost late come on kenzis" he said

"dude you always use long story for excuses man up, and don't call me kenzis i hate it" i said annoyed

"ok it's not an excuse it really is a long story, lets go john cena" he said with laughter

"dude why john cena" i said

"like it isn't your username in your spam" he said smiling

"okay fine whacky bunny" we laughed

im in love with him which is very fucked up but what am i gonna do im a big fool for johnny orlando.

we went to our first class and i saw nadia and remembered she's in our first class, that ruined my mood like im jealous but johnny doesn't even like me so im just wasting my feelings.

they're being sweet i want to smack them with a brick, i wish i could im annoyed at nadia especially on what happened yesterday. finally it's the next class there's no annoying girl.

"hey johnny, i wanna ask you something" i said

"yea sure what's it?" he replied

"why are you being so nice to me?" i asked

"well um i uh i am nice to someone when they're special to me" he answered

"special? im special, why?" i asked again

"well i consider you as my friend, i know have many friends but i don't like their attitude" he said

"awe that's cute i don't have any friend" i said blushing

"mackenzie you're bright red, are you okay" he asked

"yea it's just hot" i replied

we got into our classes time passes by really quickly.

"hey kenz would you mind if you come to my house and hang out?" he asked

"yea sure what time" i smiled

"right now is it okay?" he said

"yeah sure" i said

i got in his car it smelled very manly and i love it we got into his house which is ginormous.

he opened the door and i saw a cute girl in the stairs on her way down

"hey johnny" she smiled

"hey" he smiled back

as i observed they really aren't close

"is that your sister" i asked

"yes" he nodded

"why aren't you two close?" i asked again

"well she's 12 and im 16 that's why and there's a lot of comparing happened on this house" he replied

i noticed there's two pictures of cute dogs

"is that your dogs" i pointed at the picture

"yeah" he smiled

"aww they look so cute" i said in awe

"like the owner" he winked

"so why did you invite me in your house" i asked

"well lauren always invite her friends my parents are on work and im always alone here that's why" i noticed that he looks sad

"not anymore, im alone most of the time too but sometimes my little cousin visits me and play with me" i said

S I D E N O T E :
sorry this chapter is boring but there will be a humongous plottwist in the middle of the story might prepare some tissue for emotional peeps out there anyways i hope yall are having a great day!

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