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kenzie's pov

everything has changed, it was new for me, new opportunities, new life, new strategies.

though i have a boyfriend, study is still my 1st priority, i have some conflicts on studies too, a lot of problems began to come.

when i was younger i was imagining future as a wonderland, colorful, exciting, and fun, but i was wrong life was much harder and darker than i expected.

i can handle problems but some stuffs or incidents are too much to handle, and sometimes i prefer to vanish for a week or restart my memory

i am a positive looking person but at this point it disappeared, the old me..... disappeared, i know its still me well physically but not emotionally and mentally.

i always say 'kenzie you're being self centered once again' i tried to focus om other things but the more i ignore my feelings the heavier it feels.

maybe it's just a phase, it'll go away...... probably.

johnny's pov

everything completely fell apart, i have nothing to hold onto, nothing to gain strength from.

people say 'you're a tough one, you still manages to smile even though you have problems' well smiling is easy but being genuinely happy is something i could never feel or do.

i wish being genuinely happy is easy as smiling and simply stretching your muscles around your lips.

i only have one friend but he moved away, kenzie... yes i still love her but she doesn't feel the same way, i already accepted that but it wasn't that easy.

i would say she was the first girl that i love seriously, i was expecting to make more happy memories with her but it ended too early.

she has also found someone that is better than me, im happy for her, at least she's happy even though im not.

lauren never talked to me since i left her, well it was the best for the both of us but she was young back then i can't just simply tell her what's happening.

nobody will come to me again and say 'johnny can you make me more cookies' nobody will say 'it's okay im here for you brother' nobody will ever say 'you're the best brother ever'.

everything comes to an end most of the times it ends too early, why can't my life end early too, why do i have to suffer before i rest.

maybe it was just me, maybe all of this is just a dream, maybe one day i will wake up to a place where the old me is.

that energetic, goofy little kid, he was lost, but beneath me he's still there he was just lost, maybe one day he will come back.

maybe that's why im empty the old me hasn't come home yet, he was still wandering and exploring life and as he grow up he sees that it gets much deeper and darker maybe that's why he left he was scared.

i don't know how to find him, find myself but all i know he's gone.

S I D E N O T E :
ahhhhhh book 1 is finished yeeyee a little sumn sumn about the book 2 a lot of stuff will happen a lot of twists that even me isn't ready, anyways thank you for more than 10k reads <3

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