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i woke up i didn't even knew i fell asleep, i was just extremely tired, my energy is drained i can't even move i don't know what to do.

my phone vibrated and i saw a message notification popped up


told ya johnny doesn't like you
when he stayed at my apartment
he said you're pathetic and he is
just using you for his academics

you blocked this person's number!

i knew it he didn't even like me he was just using me but dumb kenzie fell for that, once a cheater always a cheater.

i hopped off my bed instead of wasting my time crying i went to the gym and did some work out, he's just probably cuddling with nadia he doesn't deserve a drop of my tear.

(a/n: so ima yeet ashton away and replacing him with zane because why not 🤷🏻‍♀️)

i was off the treadmill i sat on a bench and a guy greeted me "hey" a guy said that has a blonde hair and he's also pretty tall "hey" i said back.

"im zane what's your name?" he asked stroking his hair "oh im mackenzie but you can call me kenzie" i replied with a smile

"ou cool name, nice to meet you kenzie you actually look good like damn" he said and my cheeks was tinted with a hint of rosy pink

"thank you, you're the only who said that to me" i smiled softly "really? did you have a past boyfriend" he asked again.

"yes, i just broke up with him like a day ago because i saw him kissing with his ex well not technically it's very complicated" i said and tears started to form in my eyes "im sorry but its just not easy" a tear started to roll on my cheek

"it's okay all people have been in breakups and i know it's not easy" he grabbed my shoulder and put it in his shoulder

"thanks zane" i hugged him "come at my house" he said "um okay but when" i replied "we can go now come on" he carried my gym bag and went to his car

finally we arrived at his house its big, i stepped on the living room and immediately sat down on the couch

we didn't do much, we watched some movies definitely not my taste he liked dc well im more of a mcu fan because of johnny he influenced me to watch all of the movies but i stayed cool because it's just a little thing.

after that i went home i don't want to sleep on his house since we just met while i was on his house my phone kept on vibrating i turned it off and finally got to look at why my phone kept vibrating


i know you wouldn't believe me
but what you saw isn't what you
think i was supposed to end things with nadia but she kissed my out of nowhere i tried to pull out but she just kept pushing her face, i know
you won't accept my apologies but
im sorry, i hope you find someone better than me ❤️.

already did.

you blocked this account!

S I D E N O T E :
hai so i excluded asston because he's irrelevant but i replaced zane ngl he's decent but john is still better, change my mind.

you lied - jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now