FlashFrost DOom

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"Why did you kill him!" Barry was so furious he wanted to have a one on one chat with Killer Frost before she received her punishment, "you knew I had the cure, all you needed to do is keep him from hurting people for half an hour!"

"Technically, I did that, except he won't be hurting anyone forever." Barry took out Caitlin's old necklace. "Wait you are actually punishing me for helping the universe?"

"You can't be trusted right now, so make this easy and put it on." Barry held out the glowing blue snowflake necklace.

"I can't be trusted? What about all the times you went behind our backs because you were angry? We didn't lock you up!" Her eyes shown bright white as she got angrier.

"I'm sorry, Killer Frost," Barry said just before speed running towards her. Just as he got the necklace around Killer Frost's neck, he was blasted back with her ice. However, he was successful and Caitlin returned. His body was sore from hitting the wall of the cortex but he was used to it and shook it off.

"How long are you going to keep her locked up?"

"As long as it takes." Barry left Caitlin alone in the cortex. She took off the necklace but kept Killer Frost down.

"You killed a man! What else did you think would happen?" It looked as if Caitlin was talking to herself. "If you're so afraid of me using that cure, why do things that I'm against?"

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