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Bakugou flew at Midoriya, his explosions propelling him at the green-haired boy. Midoriya responded with using alchemy and creating a wave out of the ground below him. When the two were about to meet, explosions vs concrete, Midoriya suddenly leapt off of his wave, changing part of it into a baseball bat, and hit Bakugou with it over the spine, nearly breaking both the bat and the spine. Bakugou used his explosions to fly past him and circle him, almost like a vulture looking at its next meal.

Midooriya landed next to a window that happened to have metal bars on it. He used his alchemy to change these into yet another bat, one that he could electrify. Just as he looked up from creating the bat, however, he saw that Bakugou had rushed him again, and he took a direct explosion to the face.

Midoriya was going backward, that was for sure. As he was, however, he used his bats to get his feet on the ground and sent up a wall right in front of Bakugou's face, he attempted to explode it. Instead, the wall stood and sprouted almost like arms, which quickly grabbed Bakugou and held him against the wall. Because Bakugou could no longer fight, as his explosions did nothing against the wall, Midoriya was declared the winner.

*With Aizawa*

Aizawa: "So, the problem child is going to be in my class?"

Nezu: "If you are refering to Midoriya, then yes."

Aizawa: "And his abilities aren't even a quirk, meaning mine will be useless against him?"

Nezu: "Correct."

Aizawa: "Fine. Anything else?"

Nezu: "Yes. You will also have Katsuki Bakugou. Him and the problem child have a not-so good history, so you may need to keep them from each other's throats."

Aizawa: "Fine, but can I at least get a raise for this?"

Nezu: "Officially, no. However, you will get hazard pay, seeing as they are hazards to everyone around them."

Aizawa: "Alright, but you guys are paying for any medical bills that result from these two."

*The Next Week, Monday*

Midoriya was walking through the halls of UA, looking for Class 1-A. He knew it would be awkward when both the recommended students and the normal students didn't recognize him from either exam. Of course, he had no idea who his teacher was, but it couldn't be that bad.

Izuku: "1-A, 1-A, 1-A... Ah, here it is. Was this door made for giants or something?"

Izuku came upon what appeared to be a 12-foot door, with a large 1-A on it. He could already hear arguing, one of the voices he recognized. Bakugou. As soon as he opened the door, 18 pairs of eyes were on him, with only the two arguers not looking at him.

Brown bob-cut: "I'm sorry, but, are you in the right room? I didn't see you at the entrance exam, or even on the way in."

Canada hair: "And you weren't at the recommended exam either."

Izuku: "My name is Izuku Midoriya. I wasn't at those exams because Nezu gave me a special exam after the normal one was said and done."

Kaminari: "Oh yeah, I remember this guy. I was supposed to fight him since I somehow got the most villain points, but I said no way, if what I've heard he could do was true."

Red: "And what are these things?"

Kaminari: "Well, he can-"

Izuku: "You may want to talk later. I think our teacher AKA the yellow caterpillar over there."

Caterpillar: "I guess you aren't all incompetent. My name is Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. I know this may seem weird, but I want you all to put one of these on and meet me out on the sports field."

*Small Timeskip*

Bob-cut: "But, won't we miss orientation? The quirk counseling?"

Aizawa: "Both are wastes of time. The orientation is the same speil as it is every year, and if you don't know how to use your quirk, you shouldn't be here. This quirk assessment test is a far more rational use of our time. Bakugou, you scored highest on the test in general. Could you please come up and throw this ball with your quirk?"

Bakugou walked into the white circle, caught the ball that Aizawa threw to him, and launched it into the air propelled by an explosion.

Bakugou: "DIE!!!"

All, in head: 'Die?'

Aizawa: "704.5 meters. Always know your limit, so you know what you need to pass."

Pink: "We get to use our quirks? Awesome!"

Kaminari: "Ya, this is gonna be fun!"

Aizawa: "Fun, you say? You think this is going to be 3 years of fun where you can meet your friends at the local McDonald's everyday and not work your ass off? Fine. The person who places last in all these tests will be expelled and judged to have no potential."

Bob-cut: "But, that's unfair! It's only the first day! Even if it wasn't, it isn't fair!"

Izuku: "And natural disasters, megalomaniacs, and three hour movies with no intermissions are? It's our job as heroes to combat this unfairness."

Aizawa: "Besides the terrible joke that seems like something Amy Schumer would use, Midoriya is right. It is your job as heroes to combat unfairness. WELCOME TO THE UA HERO COURSE!"

Who Needs A Quirk? (Quirkless! Alchemist! Deku) ADOPTEDWhere stories live. Discover now