Precious in Periwinkle

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"Well class, as you may have already heard, we'll be assigning secret buddies this year!" The majority of the class groaned, aside from a selective few of us, who either lightened up or remained the same.

"The counselor figured this would be a good opportunity for you to gain new friends and reach out to others without them knowing about it. This counts as 40% of your final grade." The groans grew far louder, with some gasps mixed in.

"Now, without further adieu, please step up in single file lines, pick a name from the box, and thing of what you'll say first, keep it positive, children! You're making friends, not enemies!"

"Ah, sir? What if we pick ourselves?" A small girl spoke. "Place the name back and try again. You should take a moment to look at the slip before sitting back down at your desk."

"Any other questions?" He asked. When nobody raised their hands, he called the first row up to select a slip.

Jaemin sat back in his chair, waiting for the third row to be called, it took a bit longer than anticipated(a girl from the 2nd row tripped and her braces snagged the sweater of the girl in front of he), but once his row was called, he took a deep breath before pulling out a slip with the name: "Park Jisung".


Jaemin hadn't been able to peel his eyes off the younger male, sighing softly to himself when he passed by. He took note of his choice of clothing:

White, fringed jeans, all-white vans(it was a wonder how he was able to keep them clean) a cream-coloured face mask, and a Periwinkle pullover. The boy's outfit made him appear more young and innocent than he actually was(Jaemin didn't know whether this was a good or bad thing, but he didn't bother questioning it).

"Hey, Jisung!

I'm pretty sure you've figured out that this is your Secret Buddy, but I'll say it just to make sure you know: I'm *you're secret buddy!

Anyways, I don't have much to say today, I'll talk to you again soon!

-Your Secret Buddy

P.S: you look Precious In Periwinkle, but I know you'd look better in other colours, too."

Jaemin slipped the card into Jisung's shoe locker right before he left for the day.


*yes, I used the wrong "Your" on purpose. I dunno, seemed more authentic to have some sort of grammar mistake

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