Best in Black(END)

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The next day Jaemin stepped into class to find Jisung sitting in his usual seat, the usual parcel resting on his desk. He didn't bother looking up to see who entered, simply waving them over.

Jaemin floated over to the seat, reading the first few letters of Jisung's letter. Once again, he took a few moments to evaluate the outfit of the day.

A black pullover "classic" he thought, black jeans, and a pair of black converses.

To say Jaemin liked the outfit was an understatement. In fact, love would be the only word closest but still wouldn't be able to describe his thoughts on the ensemble.

Jisung took notice, rolling his eyes playfully. "What is it with people and evaluating my outfits? Are they really that interesting?" Jaemin wanted to overreact, but he settled with his nervous laughter instead.

"I mean, you're surprisingly good at matching clothes seeing as you still haven't matched your secret buddy with any of the gifts." Jisung's pupils dilated.

"Oh, I have a pretty good guess as to who it is, just you wait."(HaMiLtON-)

Before Jaemin could ask any more questions the bell rang, signaling the start of first period.


Jaemin grinned at the wall of his dorm room, the note he held getting slightly wrinkled. He had a few stops to make before the end of the school day, so he had to set that into motion as soon as possible.

Step #1: fix the note(and laminate it-)

Jaemin decided he was too on edge to carry the note without some form of defense for it. He had already ruined five notes just from holding them. He rewrote it and revised it on a different sheet of paper, then laminated it.

Step #2: pick out a flower from the garden

Suddenly, Jaemin thanked their teacher for forcing them to garden. He spent almost twenty minutes looking through his garden for a perfect flower, soon deciding to pick a simple, dark purple hellebore. He grabbed two more just for safe measures, then set off for the dorms again.

Step #3: finish the macarons

Jaemin is honestly terrible at finding deserts that correlate to Jisung's outfits, so it's obvious that he'll take a shortcut and add some charcoal to his macarons and call it a day. He placed the finished macarons in the usual gift box with some hellebore petals inside. He tied said box with a black ribbon he had In his craft drawer.

Step #4: eat

Jaemin sat down at the table to enjoy a zitui bun. That's it. That's the entire step.

Step #5: set up a meetup

Jaemin asked Jisung to meet him by his locker right before 8th period(in short, about 10 minutes), when he recieved the okay, he set off for Jisung's locker on the first floor, taking the long way down.

Along the way, he attempted to calm his nerves, he had the terrible habit of imagining various scenarios where he failed miserably and wasn't able to show his face anymore. Jaemin took a deep breath before stepping up the locker.

#6: question sanity(ft. Jeno)

About five minutes before Jisung agreed to arrive, Jaemin had a mini meltdown, questioning whether this was the best idea, about to run off again until someone grabbed his collar.

"Don't you dare walk away, I will personally castrate you if you chicken out now. You stay right here and you ask him out. Understood, young man?" Jeno ordered, glaring at the younger.

Jaemin whimpered, nodding. "Good, now relax! Just hand him that note and accept your fate, okay?" "yes, sir."

Jeno waved goodbye, skipping back down the hall.

#7: face fears

Jaemin noticed Jisung walking towards his locker. Taking a deep breath, he clutched the strap of his bag, pulling out the note.

When Jisung reached the locker, Jaemin handed him the note, stepping back a little bit.

#8: note

Jisung smiled, reading the note out loud.

"Well Jisung, I've gotta say.

After about a month of evaluating your outfits, you've finally reached the end. I must say, I did enjoy this little game, but there were times were you strayed a bit far from the end(ex. Orange).

I honestly thought you would've known it was me the second you caught whiff of my amortentia. You always smell like candles. Lemon, to be specific. Nobody else has that scent, you know?

If you couldn't already tell, it's been Jaemin all along. The school clown, Your Nana hyung.

Without further adieu, I'm pleased to say:"

Jaemin finished the note, holding out one of the flowers he'd picked.

"You look Best In Black"


Na Jaemin

#9: Response

Jisung's smile grew softer. "Figured it was you. Kind of knew from the pink note. Then the maroon confirmed it."

Jaemin pouted, "then why didn't you say anything?"

Jisung placed the hellebore in his locker, shutting it. "I didn't want to spoil your fun. Plus, I did enjoy the treats." He blushed.

"You do know I would've willingly made you treats if you asked, right?" Jisung nodded, "but it was more fun having them correlated."

The pair walked away from The locker, sitting on the steps in the main entrance.

"So, did you get the guy?" Jaemin asked, referring to Jisung's crush.

"No, he's still oblivious." Jaemin jerked his head towards Jisung. "Who even is this person if they couldn't tell you like them?"

Jisung chuckled, "A really dumb hyung, that's who." Jaemin thought for a moment.

"Did you not take my advice or something? My method should be absolutely foolproof Jaemin was cut off by the feeling of Jisung's lips on his own.

Jaemin closed his eyes, kissing back.

The kiss didn't cause fireworks or butterflies, but a warm feeling in Jaemin's chest. Not uncomfortable, it was comforting.

When the two pulled away for air, Jaemin laughed at how flushed Jisung was, only for Jisung to pull out his phone to show Jaemin his own face.

"Even though he was too oblivious to understand his own advice was being used on him, Nana hyung is my favorite dumb hyung."

Jaemin smiled, "and you're just my favorite person. I love you, Jisung-ah."

"I love you too, Jaemin."


Wow. I'm not even mad about that ending.

Anyways: thanks for reading Hellebore!! I quite enjoyed writing this fic even if it did get kind of confusing at times-

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