Pretty in Pink

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Jaemin opened Jisung's locker early that morning, placing the parcel on top of the math book Jisung rarely ever took out. He placed the note on top of the parcel, then closed the locker.

Jaemin didn't feel like heading straight to class, so he wandered back upstairs to the dormitories. He took a seat on one of the large sofas in the center of the room, pulling out the book he'd left last time from under the couch. 

Jaemin peered up from the book minutes later, noticing Jisung sitting in his usual afternoon corner. Jaemin smiled before looking back down at his book.

Jaemin felt the seat dip, glancing over to find Jisung now right next to him.

"What are you reading?" He'd asked. Jaemin closed the book for a moment to see the cover. "Half-Blood Prince. It's pretty obvious that I'm a fan of the Harry Potter series, isn't it?" He joked. Jisung laughed. "If only you seen my corner of the dorm, you'd be surprised." "Wanna bet on that?" Jaemin challenged.

"Loser makes the winner a dessert of their choice, deal?"

"I'm a lousy baker, but I'm confident on this one, so deal!"

Jaemin grinned, feeling confident in himself. Until he realized if he lost it could possibly give Jisung a huge hint on who his secret buddy was.

Jaemin shook it off, doubting Jisung's ability to put two and two together.

(Yes, I am foreshadowing, thank you very much)


About an hour later(yes, Jaemin had to wake up THAT early because of his weird sleeping habits), Jaemin began his descent back to his first period class. Jisung ran up to him and decided to walk with him to class.

Jaemin, per usual, glanced at Jisung's outfit. A pink hoodie and white sweatpants 'that's new,' Jaemin thought, 'he's wearing sweatpants today.' The pink hoodie seemed to make his hair and eyes appear lighter giving him a soft, almost cute aura.

Then again, Jisung already was pretty cute.


Jaemin sat in his Math class writing his newest note instead of paying attention.He hid it with his pile of books since Jisung sat next to him in that class. The pink note reflected off of a nearby water bottle, going unnoticed by the two boys.

"Hey Sung,

You already know the drill lmao,
As usual, this note would consist of me saying hello, some random thing, and finally me judging your outfit choice, just like Johnny-Hyung would. But I have nothing new to say, sorry. But, I will say this: you look pretty in pink, but Pink really isn't your colour.


Jaemin folded his note once more, then began creating a new recipe for a Peach Raindrop cake.

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