Wistful in Wisteria

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Two days later, Jaemin had fully recovered and received his lecture from Yunho and a weaker prescription from Ryeowook, being directed to only take one per day until the weakness in his legs left.

Jaemin strolled through the halls to his next class, which would be held outside for the remainder of the week.

He clutched the opening of his cloak as he swung open the doors to the school's courtyard, shivering from the cold.

Weather at the school was never consistent. One minute it was sunny and clear, the next a snowstorm could take place. This is why despite having a magic restriction placed on the minors, the only spells they were permitted were simple warming and cooling spells, and a summoning spell, if deemed necessary.

Jaemin snaked over to where his classmates were sitting, taking a seat next to Yangyang.

The teacher nodded in Jaemin's direction, handing him a small pink cage.

"What's this?" He asked. The teacher held up his index finger.

Inside the cage was a small, purple hairball. Jaemin stared at it in confusion for a few minutes.

When the bell rang, the teacher stood up on a fallen column. "G'Morning class! I'm sure you're all quite confused as to what the hell those things are, but wait just a moment and I'll tell you." He announced.

Jaemin slid off his clock and casted a cooling spell, glancing over at the west entrance to the courtyard as a disheveled Jisung skittered in.

"Overslept in the nurse's office again?" The teacher asked. Jisung nodded, avoiding eye contact. The teacher chuckled, handing a cage to Jisung.

"It's fine, just have a seat." Jisung walked away, sitting next to Jaemin.

"Morning, Nana," "morning, Sung. Why were you at the nurse?" Jaemin asked, switching his attention to the boy.

"Couple of seniors casted a bunch of hexes in the dorm while I was getting ready. Not too fun, to say the least..." Jaemin patted Jisung on the back.

"Seniors suck, I feel you." Suddenly, it started raining, the teacher casted a tent summoning spell(aka: Accio tent)  and signalled for the class to assemble under it.

To kickstart our lesson, I'll tell you what these are. These things," The teacher held up his own red creature. "Are pygmy puffs. They're quite cute, aren't they?" He stroked its head with his index finger, inducing a loud purr.

"Go ahead and open your cages, feel free to spread out and play with them. Just come back towards the five minute mark so I can give you your assignment."

The class spread out throughout the Courtyard, splitting into groups of twos and threes.

Jaemin settled into a corner with his pygmy, Jisung following close behind.

The pair sat their cages in front of then, pulling out their  pygmies and placing them in their laps.

Instead of paying attention to his pygmy, he watched as Jisung played with his. He watched as Jisung poked at the furry creature, and giggled when it nuzzled into the pocket of his light purple cloak. How his eyes widened, revealing the stunning wisteria contacts he had in when the pink pygmy sneezed a cloud of iridescent glitters.

The only reason Jaemin stopped eyeing him was because his own pygmy had decided to chomp on his finger.

"What was that for?!" He exclaimed. The pygmy growled,  pushing itself into Jaemin's hand as a way of getting his attention.

"It wants you to pet it, just use two fingers and brush its fur." Jisung instructed.

Jaemin obeyed, earning a squeal of happiness from the creature.

The students filed back under the tent to receive their assignment.

"This month's assignment is to care for these little guys on your own. Of course, you may come to me for help, but I'd like you to try everything you can think of first and then ask for help. I'll be sending each of you your assignment info later this evening, so keep an eye out for it. Remember to name them!"

Finally, the bell rang out, signaling second period.

Instead of walking towards his class, he headed towards the common room to start on his newest note.

"Hey Sung!,

Class was pretty interesting, no? The pygmy puffs were so cute! Well, until they bit me.

Anyways, now it's time to rate your outfit~.

Anyone ever tell you that you look wistful in Wisteria? I've never seen someone look so stunning with purple contacts or a cloak, now I've seen someone in both! Can I die happily now?  Still, I know there's a colour you'll look even better in, I'll let you find that out for yourself.

Seriously though, you were incredibly distracting today, then again, you always are.

Yours truly,




I just really love Jaesung, and Jisung distracting Jaemin is what I live for~

...uh-oh, fanfic ideas-

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