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My name is Ki.

Ki's POV

The path to a true friendship seems more far fetched that it may appear. You need trust, honesty, commitment and loyalty to pull this off. Hence, a do you find someone worthy enough for such a relationship?~

(As my besfriend and I exit math class, we decided to express our self load after 12 long years of our lives while walking through the hallways of our school ,McClinton High.)

~~Ada (ã•day), please tell me why we really need mathematics in our lives again😤.

Ada: Because its school 🙂and our teachers only live for us to be tortured by simple equations that revolve around how little they get paid to do all this bullshit every year. I dont think i can say it any better than that 😅.

~ ~Eh, 😂you do have a point there tho. Sigh,😬 its our last year in school and 😓im kinda afraid of the outside life beyond the walls of graduation.

Ada: 😒Bruh, are you kidding me?😌 Ki it'll be fine alright. Dont think of it so much. 😋Besides you got me by your side.

~~ Thats true until 😒your boyfriend says otherwise. I had overheard you talking about 🙁moving 'Dormerta' with him a week ago. Im basically on my own here. Things have changed since my mom and dad died and left my older brother Wayne in charge. However, 😥the strain of depression he goes through is enough to make anyone drop out of school and smoke grass till your heart gives out. Im worried for him and my other older siblings. Jessica is barely in my life after she graduated😪 in '017 and Mason is just Mason. He's a good brother don't get me wrong😅 but sometimes I forget that he exist at times and yea it sounds cold to say but its just how it is. 😓All i want is a stronger connection with my family. I want something new to just apoear and make a new chapter in my sophistically complicated life.

Ada: 😶Damn, daniel! I never knew you go through so much and never😧 sit out to talk to me about what's been burning in your head all this time. On the other hand,🙃 I can only say to you that better days are coming!! You must believe it 😁to achieve it.

~~ Yeah. I guess you're ri..... Ada, do you feel that??.. Whats going on?

Ada: I dont know.

(Suddenly the ground started to shake immediately after the ringing of our school bell. The hallways were flushed with the rampaging feet of students rushing to go outside and as for me....i was left stuck faceplanted onto the floor with shoe marks on my face and dirt clouds covering my attire. I dont even know where Ada was during all this. But then an immense silenced cleared the halls as everyone then vanished out if thin air.Abruptly out of nowhere an unfamiliar hand reach out and pulled me off the ground greeting me with pearly white teeth. He was caramel coloured, at least 6ft tall in height with a chiseled jawline , blue eyes and curly black indian hair. As he helped me dust myself clean i was not entirely prepared for what he would do next as i blushed.)

Stranger: (worried) Hey, are you okay? Im Tyson...Tyson Odean Reckley🙂.

~~ Ugh 😅 Ki'Ran but my friends call me Ki.

Tyson:Nice to meet sorry bout all that. 😅Im new here to the school and even i was alarmed of the crowd that surrounded me by. Welp so ya later Ki.

~~*hearts begins to thump harder against the walls if my chest* Omg wow. That was a lil awkward even fir me😅.

Ada: I know right?🤣 Your so purely weird.

~~ 😒Okay and where was your ass when i was being trampled?

Ada:🙂 I moved to the side walls like a smart bitch💁🏽‍♂ rather than look lost like a dumb bitch. So i see you've met Tyson. Hes the new exchange student from Bilwick High in Routher and our new classmate.

~~ Oh dear gosh. I have to avoid him even tho i now i get to see him every blessed day. Ada i think im crushing on him😓.

Ada: Oh boy! 😈Ki you must play hard to get if you want his attention...its lowkey the only way.

~~ Il try 😕but how do i even know if he's gay.

Ada: Umm..dumb bitch. 😮You see that nigga dodging through folks just to help ya out?😊 Either hes gay or just like 😐touching dirty things.

~~ *begins walking to class with Ada*Ghee wow thanks for the  compliment.(sarcasm)😒 Where would i be if it wasnt for you?

Ada: Probably still on that floor.

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