Minor to Major confrontation

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I am Tyson!

Tyson's POV

Dont mind my tattoos and gold bling😅 cause im only after one thing and that the 'L' word. Love! Ive been a transfer student for as long as I have lived. Growing up in a single parent environment is very strenuous and hard to cope with especially living with a father who expects so much from his only son. To be honest, 😌i love being the only one but the life i wanna live will only break his heart and im not sure if😤 im ready for that quite yet. But hey? Every kiss begins with 'K', every journey begins with 'J' and within every test there's a testimony. 🤐On the other hand, i hope he doesn't see through this disguise right about now.

Transferring to McClinton High, gave me a bit of anxiety especially on my first day. Watching everyone turn and crowd around the hallway as i enter felt odd in a way. However, a moment or two after they left with sounds of gossip and flirtatious conversations my eye quickly locked onto a guy lying on the floor full of dirt and muck from the students who raced ontop of him.🤒 I felt guilty even though it wasnt my fault nor was it his. On the contrary, the minute I helped him back to his feet i felt a calm aura that rolled off his body when i held his hand to raise him off of the bare ground. This feeling was like no other but i known not of what to do but instead greet him and walk away in silence.

Once the bell rung i got into my class still thinking of this dude in a train of thought. 😳His smooth black color..big lips...his pearl jet black eyes and that comforting smile of his. 😵I don't know what wrong with me but i must focus on the task at hand which is successfully completing this last chapter of school. At last my focus was then alerted towards the door where he walked along with his friend i assume. 😬She's a pretty one too if you ask me but i think they might have something going on. 😧Sigh. However, another presence was felt. A girl whom i had happen sit two desks away from called me over and over i did.

~~ Ugh hi..im Tyson and you must be..(*looks at her name tagged to the desk*) Ataeya is it?

Tae: 🙃Smart young fellow arent you and the pleasures all mine. 🤔You seemed stressed out in the corner thought so i thought why dont we talk about whats on your mind. I mean you dont have to but im here to listen.

~~ Well its nothing🤥 really just alot going on at home i guess.

Tae: Alot you say? 😪I can definitely relate. Im the middle child amongst my siblings but mom and dad look up to me to act as an example🙄 for the younger one's so they all may follow my foot steps. 😒Pfft im not even allowed to be myself in my own  house. Im a les so don't sweat it cause im not into you or any dude of the sort. I love what i love. So if you judgy this your time to step off and not look back.

~~ Oh😅 Nonono i dont judge. Its not even my place to call anyone out. I except anyone and everyone. Besides who knows what each of us all went through in our past.

Tae: 🤔Hmmm😊 i like your spirit kid. Want to hang out at lunch? Maybe then you can tell me whats troubling you so.

~~ Sure. 🙂Id like that. Its better than sitting alone anyway.

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