Getting in My Comfort Zone

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Ki's POV

Okay imma just say😅 im happy he's in my class but in regards to talking to that girl Ataeya he's bound 😑to be a basic bitch. But do i feel hurt ? 😤Nahh! Im a Libra you know. We dont show our feelings often as we should. Not all shit affects us. Im calm 😁about this. Right now she's talking about me dating Ryan. Dating Ryan, my previous lover, 😥gave me a deep sensational pain left in my a$$. Nope i don't mean sex..........anyway he used me to get what he wants. Though i dont dig that there was something still driving me back to him since '015 to now. Hopefully,🙄 after he moved away with his family i can learn to overcome these emotions i held for him for so long. On the other hand, im just hoping this new one isnt such a typical hoe as Ryan was. To be honest,🙈 im in class right now just staring at him secretly from a distance. I even forgot Ada was talking to me as i zoned out.

Ada: Ki?..Helllllllooooooo? 😒Dude????

~~ *still zoned in on Tyson as he talks to Ataeya while begin sighing deeply*

Ada: 😡Okay then since you're not gonna listen....

(At that moment Ada stands up while yelling overhead to get everyone's attention)

Ada: So right *coughs with pettiness* Guess who had sex in the movies on the floor last semester?

(The minute i heard sex in the movies, i knew she was about to tell the class the reason why i was so sticky during our class trip. Before she could have finished her statement, i dragged her by the arm outside behind the corridor close to the bathroom.)

~~ Are you fucking serious Ada?😡 Like fr fucking serious? You know what i did was personal and that was none of anyone's business. Ryan wanted that so i had no choice but to comply.

Ada: Hey soulja, 😡watch your tone with me okay. Im not that old boy toy of yours boo. So first thing you should do is loosen your grip on my hand before i fuck you up in this corner and tell them the full details. Besides youre a fake friend.

~~ *starts to 😓cry a little* Hold up, you 🙊talking to me?😒 I know some of your files too, deep throat thotiana. I know you gave heads to the boys on the track team just last week. Who you calling fake? When people recorded yo a$$ fucking in the booooooooys bathroom and leaked the video i was the one who hacked the video from being viral to everyone. 😡😡When your ass was drunk and came to school i covered up for you when they wanted to expel your horse neck from ever coming back. So WHAT YOU KNOW BOUT ME?

Ada: I know you 💁🏽nasty.

~~ Who's any nastier 💁🏽‍♂than you tho? You know done with this shit.

(Immediately after that argument, i desperately ran into the bathroom and locked myself in a stall)

Ada: *knocks on door* Ki? 😓Im sorry okay buddy? Its just im a little jealous that you barely talk to me bout how you feel anymore. I guess i betrayed your trust please forgive me.

~~ ....just go away. 😧Let me be by myself. I dont want to talk to you right now.

Ada: Oh okay...i understand. Ki i 😓want you to know youre not alone on this ...crooked road. Im here for you always. So please ill give you time but stop pushing me away. I still remember the first time we became friends and you stepped on my feet and i hesitated not to box slap you and even when i tripped you onto the floor and you spank whats left of my standards out of my body. The point is we've been close😪 ever since even through rough times. But i never left your side and no your not fake...i was just upset k? Im glad to have someone like you looking out for me. I guess ill talk to you later then but ill leave something for you in here to keep your company.

~~ *talks out to myself* Why does this keep happening to me? Problems always follow me when i dont need them. What am i.... bad luck?

(Suddenly a hand hung over my stall)

Voice: Whats wrong stranger? Why you so distraught?

~~ Dude idk 😒if you cant hear anything on your side but im bugged out so leave me b.

(As i removed my head from the stall door the second i turned my head it collided into someone's firmly soft chest)

Ty: Ki its going to be okay. Talk to me, im here to listen.

~~ *hugging him with his arms around my body as he asked me to sit on his lap*

Ty: Sometimes things happen for a reason. We are in no control of what happens but only what can happen next. But you need to relax. God hasn't turn His back on you. He's opening your eyes to cleanse your old self habits to make new memories.

~~ *sucks teeth as i push away from him* You know nothing of what i go through b.

Ty: *yanks me back unto him* 😒You better get your ass back here and yeah you're right. 🤕But what i do know is what ive been through. Thats how i can say in doubt better days are coming.

(Reminiscing on how that phrase sounds so familiar, i realized i had to relax but only if i can snuggle against him for awhile more)

Ty: Want to go outside?

~~ No good. Just stay here please..just for a little longer.

Ty: *tightens grip* Sure thing.What about your friend outside?

~~ My who?

Ada: Bitchhh

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