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"It's... Kokichi... Kokichi Ouma... I found him"

~We continue~

I didn't expect this... He was out there... he was out there all these years. I began to cry. "Shuichi are you okay???" Maki questioned. "Yeah, fine." I was overjoyed. I might see him...
"Would you like to meet with him..?" I jumped up. "Please...?" I was hoping it'd be soon. I missed him...
"I'll message him now then." I was shocked. She hated Kokichi, why would she have his number?
"Or I can call him, put you on the phone"
I wanted so badly to say yes. I couldn't... I had to see him in person.
"Call him but do not put me on the phone..." I said that too roughly- "please" I added.
She chuckled and hit call on the number. One ring, tw-
I hadn't noticed her press speaker until I heard his voice...
I cleared my throat and looked down.
"Ouma. I need you to come to the coffee shop on wind street. It really is important."
I gasped. She didn't mean today did she??
"Will do, is something wrong?"
"No just meet me here."
"Not telling"
"Awwww maki roll don't be mean"
"DO NOT EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN" the coffee shop owner shot her a look
"Nishishi- sorry Maki-"
"Just get your ass over here Kokichi."
"I'm already on my wa-"
She hung up.
"Sorry Shuichi, he's still an asshole.."
I chuckled. Then covered my mouth.
"he's gonna be here any minute!!"
"Yes, problem Shuichi?"
I straightened myself. "No, excuse me Maki"
I rushed to the bathroom. Closing the door I looked in the mirror.
Still together.
I'll survive this..
I hadn't realized the time until I received a message from Maki. I didn't remember giving her my number.

Maki: his car is just down the road. Get over here dumbass.

I rushed out the bathroom. Sitting down quickly and looking away. The door rang. Someone walked in.

There he is...
I-I've missed you...
I have yet to look up as someone takes the seat next to me.

He's yet to notice I'm here. I have yet to look up.

"So why'd you call me here?"
"Look to your right, Ouma."

I'm at a loss for words..

"Uh huh. A person. Did I interrupt something..?"

I looked up.

He gasped...


*Kokichi's POV*
I looked over to see a navy blue haired man. Okay? What is she cheating on kaito?
The man looked up..
There no mistaking the amber eyes... the eyeliner.
He was silent.
I wanted to scream and hug him. He looked just the same. Taller, maybe? I've yet to see him stand up. Wearing a different outfit, a black tuxedo. He no longer had his hat. The same one he hid behind for so long...

*Shuichi's POV*

His purple eyes were the same. He still wore his white outfit with his checkered scarf.
Maki cleared her throat
Kokichi looked at her. His hair had gotten slightly longer but still the unkempt mess it had been before.
He looked as he was about to cry.
He ran and hugged Maki. Crying into her shoulder.
He hugged tighter.
"Maki... why... how..?"
"Kokichi enough"
He let Maki go, she dusted her shoulders and shot Kokichi a dirty look as she said "he's a famous detective now. It was really easy to find his office through people in town. I too have only been with Shuichi for a short time we haven't even been catching up."
I went to apologize
"A-ah Maki I'm sorry we should've caught up it's rude to have run off-"
"Save it. You're fine."
I looked at Maki intensely. From the look on her face she was still disgusted by Kokichi's embrace.
"S-so... K-Kokichi..."
He looked up.
His eyes were sparkling, lighting up like fireworks. He smiled.
"Yes, Shuichi?"
He chuckled.
"It's been a year, and all you can say is 'Hi'?"
I blushed, obviously embarrassed. Maki kicked him under the table.
"Shut it"
I resisted the urge to laugh but failed. I laughed as Kokichi stared at me wide eyed and glared
"Not funny Shuichi!!"

*one hour later*

We talked about various things. All catching up. Maki was now married to Kaito, keeping her last name however. They had a daughter. Kokichi had been locked away in his house. Barely coming out. His reasoning was "because I missed Shuichi"

*current time*

I waved goodbye to Maki, as she called Kaito to come get her. She refused to get in the taxi saying we needed "alone time"
I called a taxi and we got in.
"Y-yes Kokichi.."
"I've really missed you.."
I was shocked. Not by the fact that he missed me but because he wasn't afraid to admit it.
I wanted to kiss him in that moment
But it was unsuitable.
We'd been back in touch for a day why would we kiss after being apart and not speaking for a whole year.
He looked at me.
"It's only 11AM y'know.."
"Let's go somewhere and catch up. Maki isn't here so we don't have to worry about bothering her. Where do ya wanna go?"
I was speechless. It's like he's asking me on a date when I know he's just wanting to get back in touch.
"I don't know.."
"Let's go... hmm."
I glanced at him.
A mischievous smile grew on his face.
I gulped
"Let's go back to my apartment"
*CoUgH cOuGh*
"A-ah wh- what-"
"To my apartment. It's not far."
He told the taxi the location.
I had no choice.
It was unlike Kokichi to stutter. Ever.
He blushed. Something was on his mind..
I couldn't tel-

Our lips met. I didn't expect that. It happened so fast...
He pulled away, blushing and hiding his face behind his purple locks.
I realized we were both blushing.
He initiated it. I'm finishing it.
He looked up. About to cry. Tears pricked his eyes.
"I-I'm so s-sorry y-you must be m-mad I d-don't even k-know if you're s-single that was so s-stupid.."
I grabbed face in my hands. Gently. Before he could react I pressed my lips to his roughly. He blushed. He opened his mouth but I pulled away.
"N-ngh Shuichi why'd you"
"We're in the back of a taxi, Ouma."
We were both blushing. The driver seemed more disturbed by the second. Driving faster to escape what he'd just seen.
"We're here..."
I glanced up, then paid the driver. A tip too, for having to watch Kokichi and I kiss.
"Thank you"
I got out.
On the sidewalk stood Kokichi. He hugged me.
"A-ah Saihara.."
I blushed.
"L-Let's continue where we left off. In my room."
He hugged me. Tightly. I couldn't breathe and gasped
"A-Ah Ouma are you tryna kill me???"
He blushed as he headed towards the doors
"Maybe, Shuichi"
I walked to him

"Well you definitely killed my face"
He noticed I'm blushing way too much. He laughed.
"Let's go.."

Tell me if you wish to keep chapters this long or shorter.
I will update as frequently as possible. However still leave you on cliffhangers. (Nishishi~)
I've never written before
Love you, enjoy~

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