Not so warm welcomes

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*Shuichi's POV*

As I pulled up in front of Kokichi's... living area I quickly recognized the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Kokichi's eyes were dark as he stared out at his house. He climbed out the car, holding my hand as well. He gently opened the door. As soon as he did so the smell of cigarette smoke grew strongest. He glanced in the door, then ducked down and pulled me under with him. A pot came flying over our heads.


Kokichi stayed silent as he walked forward. His mother got in front of him and blocked the staircase.

"I said... where. The. Fuck. Have. You. Been."
I could tell kokichi was used to it but it was still really sad to watch this. After he didn't answer the third time she asked a loud slap echoed through the room. Kokichi stood straight despite the large red hand mark on his face only visible due to direct sunlight coming in through the door. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR YOU DAMN PIECE OF SHIT" she looked up to see me in the doorway, then stopped with a look of shock and disgust on her face.

"Who the hell are you??"

I stood silent for a moment, thinking of how to answer.

"I'm Kokichi's boyfriend"

I blushed at the last word, however his mother looked at me with disgust and laughed.

"NO YOU'RE NOT! This-" she shoved Kokichi to the floor "worthless piece of shit could never get a boyfriend." I glared at her. Then stood straight and pulled out a badge.

"I'm also the #1 detective in the nation so please excuse my language but get your fucking hands off my boyfriend."

She glared at me then grabbed kokichi by the shoulders and shoved him over to me. He fell to the floor in front of me, wincing from the pain of shattered glass on the floor, most likely from a beer bottle. I gently picked him up.

"Good luck with him he thinks he's better than everyone else." She spat at him. "I never should've given birth to such a disappointment." She looked him dead in the eye as she said in a low tone "nobody will ever fucking love you anyway, he's faking it."

I was fuming at those words. I looked down to see tears welling in Kokichi's eyes. Then looked at her, still glaring at Kokichi.

Time for a leap of faith

I kissed Kokichi on the lips, in front of his mother. A wave of shock and confusion came across her face as he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed back roughly. I parted from him, a string of saliva connecting our mouths.

His mother however, looked extremely disgusted.

I placed Kokichi down.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we're getting his belongings."

I could tell she was still shocked by mine and Kokichi's moment together.

"Because he's moving in with me. He's old enough to leave your care and he's my boyfriend so he'll be moving in with me."


"Yes I can. He's of legal age to move out at his own intent. If he wishes to move in with me I'm consenting to that as well"

She looked as though she was about to cry. She then fell to her knees in front of him.

"Kokichi please don't leave I know I was horrible and I never meant any of what I said all these years. I do love you and I was just going through a lot. You have to believe m-"
He smacked his own mother.

"No. I'm leaving. Fuck you. You've done nothing but make my life worse and worse since the day I was born and I'm so fucking done with you. You're a terrible mother and a terrible person. You ruined my life and thought I'd still love you? I would've done this way sooner if it was allowed. I hate you and I always will. I'll never forgive you for what you did to me all these years." He pulled up his sleeves to reveal the cuts and then pulled off his shirt to show the many bruises and wounds there "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be getting my stuff and leaving with Shuichi."

Kokichi grabbed a large tote sitting next to the shelf and pranced up the stairs. I followed as his mother sat, dumbfounded and sobbing in the living room floor.

In his room we collected everything from the room not including furniture.

"Should've brought a moving truck" he laughed out
"I think we're fine"

He packed everything he could into the tote then looked at me.

"Let me go get the other one."
"No." I stopped him. "I'll do it"

I walked down the stairs to find his mother still on the floor, but now with a beer in her hands. She looked at me as I grabbed another tote, then gently smiled. I didn't like this smile.

"Take care of him."

I knew she was trying to win me over onto her side but that didn't mean I wasn't gonna answer.

"I'll take better care of him than you ever did."
With that I walked up the stairs. As I walked into the room I noticed Kokichi looking out the window, into the woods. I gently pulled him close to me and kissed his forehead, getting returned with a rough kiss to the lips. He smiled then tossed the remaining laundry and belongings into the other tote. He stood in front of me as I bent down to grab a tote, then hugged my close to him as he began to sob into my shirt again.

"Th-thank.." *sob* "y-you.." *sob*
I kissed his head then tilted his face upwards towards mine. I brushed his hair behind his ear then leaned down and pressed my lips to his. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, swirling our tongues around each other before pulling away and clinging tightly to me.

We carried the totes downstairs and waited for a taxi. As he closed the door he noticed the pot that had been thrown at us as we entered. He smirked, then opened the door and threw the pot inside the house. He ran up to me as I was putting the totes in the back of the taxi, and climbed in the car. He smiled as he looked at me, then laid his head in my lap. He soon fell asleep in my lap. Snoring softly. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled

I love you.

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