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Liam POV

The smile that graces my face is starting to hurt because I can’t stop it from getting bigger every time I think of my Nialler. Sitting on our bed on the laptop tweeting fans is just one of the ways I like to spend my day but nothing compares to my Nialler.

I decide to reply to some Niam shippers @Niam4ever: @Real_Liam_Payne @NiallOffical cant beleive they come out! I reply with a 'haha' and move on to other girls. @DaddyDirection+Nialler: Is it just me or am I the only one that died when @NiallOffical and @Real_Liam_Payne came out??

I smile at this one I reply with a 'na it was a big surprise to everyone!' I'm about to reply to another when the door opens to reveal a smiling Niall "Hay babe!" I say grinning even more then before, Niall laughs and takes a seat next to me on the bed

“What ya doing?" Niall asks looking over my shoulder just slightly, I shrug "Replying to some fans." Niall nods "Li, can I talk to you about something." Niall asks fidgeting a little with his hands, I set the laptop down on the floor and take Nialls hands in mine

"Of carouse." I say smiling reassuringly at him, Niall takes a deep breath "Do you think you can Zayn could share me?" Niall asks his voice small and unsure sounding, I cock my head to the side

"What do you mean babe?" Niall takes another breath "Well you see, Alex said to give Zayn a chance but I don't wanna break up with you. So Alex said can't they just share you?" Niall says his voice shaking.

Share my Niall with Zayn? I look deep into Nialls eyes and I can tell that it’s either share or get nothing at all. "Ok." I say and Niall troughs his arms around my neck. "Oh Liam I knew you'd understand!"

I smile and nod, if this is what it takes to make my Nialler happy then so be it. Niall pulls away from our embrace "Come with me to Zayns room?" He asks, his eyes pleading with me to come.

"If I'm going to be sharing you then I better start spending time with both of you then huh." I say rolling my eyes, Niall grinns and pulls me off the bed and out into the hall to Zayns room.

Niall knocks softly and Zayn opens it with out a second thought. A smile graces his lips when he sees us. "Babes." Zayn says stepping out of the way for Niall and I to enter, Niall goes straight to Zayns bed and I follow.

I rest my back against the headboard and Niall leans back against my chest. Zayn turns on the little telly and the movie love acctually is playing. Zayn sqwezzes into the small double with us.

He laces his fingers with mine and we watch the movie in silnce for a little while before Niall starts to nodd off "You sleepy baby?" I ask and Niall nods, sometime in the movie Niall had turn around and sat side ways on my lap with his feet in Zayns.

His face in the crook of my neack "Its past eleven, we better get to bed." Zayn says yawning at the end, I nod and yawn as well. We setting down with lights off and not even five minutes later the door is creeking open.

"Liam?" Harry whispers into the darkness, I open my eyes and look up at the door "Yeah Hazza?" I ask "Can me and Lou sleep with you guys?" Harry asks in a soft voice as if I would dyie him.

I nodd and Niall crawls inbetween me and Zayn. We wrap are arms around him and link fingers. theres little room behind me but Lou and Harry make it work and get cumfy.

Soon everyone is cumfy and we are all touching in some odd way either holding hands, legs intertwind arms wrapped around the waist or anyother way. For the second night in a row I fall asleep smiling and holding Niall.

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