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Ather-chan here I may change a little of todoroki's back story to be more gruesome just so you know.

3erd POV
Todoroki has always had a bad life at a young age he has been abused by his dad. When he was 5 his mom poured boiling water over his right side as she called it unbearable that was day before she committed suicide. Her suicide note sided that she just couldn't take it any more. After that shoto was beaten in more sometimes ending up in the hospital but, it hadn't been that bad after he got in UA. In UA he didn't talk to many people only one person and that was momo because he had known her from when he was young. After the Sports Festival he noticed one person in particular and it was Izuku Midoriya. Though he has never talked to him he knew almost everything about him what he did, when he did it, what he liked, what he disliked. He kept this in a journal he had by his side at all times. In this journal he also keeped some photos he took of Izuku with out him knowing and last but not least in the journal he keeped some of the things he would like to do to Izuku. No one knew what was in the journal and no one bothered to ask.

Sorry it's such a small chapter I don't know when I will update again hopefully soon if you have any questions plz ask and I will answer them hope I didn't bore you to much
- Athor-chan

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