Coffee Date

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Todoroki's POV

"Hey! Todoroki-kun!"

"Oh hi Midoria. What are you doing around here?"

"I went for a jog to clear my mind-" I start to recall last night's conversation with Uraka. " And I kinda lost track of time and ended up here." 

"Well if you have the time would you like to get a coffee with me? There's a nice cafe near here I was actually just going there." I REALLY hope he says yes!

"Yeah of course! I'd love to!" OH MY GOD! This is great a second date with my sweet Izu. 

"Well then shall we go?" I decided to start this off great by offering my hand to him. He takes it and we start to walk there as we do I decided to start up a conversation with him about nothing really. After a while of just meatless banter and chatter we arrive at a small quite cafe. As soon as we walk in the smell of coffee beans hit us.

"If you know what you want I can go order and you can grace us a table to sit at."

"Ok can you get me a mocha cookie crumble with who cream?"

"Yeah no problem." As I say that he goes to give my some money for the drink I push it away and go up to order the drinks as I see Izu pick a great table by the window. The line moves ups and it's now my turn. I order the drinks and go wait for them to make the drinks. Once they finish I pay and take them to the table where my sweet Izu is waiting for me. I hand Izu his drink and smile at him.

"Thank chu Shoto-Kun." Oh my god he's so cute!

"Oh s-sorry Todoroki I didn't mean to be rude using your first name." ( cuz that's a thing in Japan)

"Oh it's ok you can call me by my first name." 

"Ok then you can call me by my first name to!"

"You seem kinda tired did you sleep ok?" I noticed Izu keeps drifting off. He takes a sip of his drink and goes to answer.

"No I didn't. I got into a fight with Uraka last night and- cried for a while before I feel asleep." He mumbled that last part and I couldn't hear it. I hope in my quest to make Izu mine I didn't hurt him to much. 

"Oh I'm really sorry I hope I didn't hurt you friendship with her by telling you."

"No! No! It's not your fault at all. To be honest I saw a side of uraka that I didn't know existed. Her motive for being my friend was really bad.I dont think I want to be beat someone like that her anymore."

"If you dont mind me asking what happened with her?" 

"Its hard to explain b-but here." He hands me his phone open to the conversation then looks down and takes another sip of his drink. I pretend to read the text and sip my coffee. I put the phone down on the table in front of him. I take a sip of coffee and set it back down on the table.

"That's awfu I really thought she was better then this-" I knew she was like this if I didn't let Izu know he would be more crushed if the lies whent on longer. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. " I finished my drink and look at the time. 

"Its getting kinda late and it's far from your house do you want to spend the night at my house?"

"Ah o-ok thank you shoto-kun. Should we start get going then?"

"Ok." I stand up and wait for Izu and the. We walk put the door and start to head down the street to the street. Once again we start up meaningless banter we talk about class and some common interest. Though out the conversation Izu I see people staring at him so I glare at them in return. Once we get to my house Izu texts his mom and I go to my room and set up a bed on my floor. Today's great I had a date with Izu and then after that I get to have him stay at my house and my dad is out for awhile for a mission. 

"Izu! When your ready you can take a shower I put some clothes in the there for you." I go to my room and fix it up a bit. I hear the shower start and decide to scroll on my phone for a bit.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

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