I've Got Nowhere to Be

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I first saw him on the train. I had just come from an awful day at work and didn’t really want to go home and listen to my roommate bitch about her boyfriend like she did every night. I was feeling lost. I didn’t know where I was headed in life and I didn’t really like where I was. I still lived within driving distance of my parents and they never let me forget it. I didn’t have very many friends and the ones I did have weren’t much fun. I needed something, but I didn’t know what. I needed Thomas.

I was staring numbingly at my phone, seeing what all my old high school classmates were up to.  “John and Matilda are engaged.” “Holly is traveling the world.” “Carly is at university”. “Dean is in a rock band” and I was working at a casting agency doing administrative work. I spent every day in a miserable office with one tiny window and an arsehole of a boss always breathing down my neck.

The train stopped at Gunderson Station. That was where he got on. I didn’t see him at first, too caught up in my thoughts. But I noticed him, I couldn’t remember a single thing. I forgot about my shitty job, my annoying roommate and my overprotective parents. There was only him and me.

I hadn’t realised I was staring until he spoke.

“Hello.” His cheerful English accent rang in my ears.

“H-hi…” I stumbled idiotically. I blushed when I thought about how stupid I sounded.

“Absolutely miserable day today isn’t it?” he smiled looking out of the train window as we sped through the city.

“Yeah it sucks.” I said, trying to regain my composure.

“Perfect weather for a movie and blankets though I think.” His light orange hair curled slightly over his forehead. His perfect pale skin glowed against the dismal grey of the rainy metropolis outside the train window.

“So what brings you to this delightful city?” I asked him. I was trying to be flirty, but so far it wasn’t working.

“I…I had to do my grocery shopping?” He frowned slightly, confused.

“No, No! I-I’m tal… I mean ...you’re… umm…“ I mumbled as I pointed at my mouth. “Your accent. It’s English. We’re not in England.”

He laughed cheekily.

“I know what you mean. I’m only messing.” He smirked.

“That wasn’t nice.” I grinned back.

“I’ll have to make it up to you.” He turned closer towards me. He towered over me and I felt my legs might just give way beneath me. Suddenly the train jolted to a halt. We were at my stop.

“This is my stop.” I grabbed my bag and made to leave.

“Do you want to hang out sometime?” he asked me.

“I’d love that.” I grinned, trying to keep myself from giggling like a little girl.

“How about right now?” he smiled.

“Right now?” I asked, stunned. Nobody I ever hung out with was this forward.

“Right now.” He said as the train doors were about to close. I had a choice between him and my normal routine. I thought to myself ‘On the one hand he could be a serial killer and this would become a terrible urban legend that parents tell their daughters when they move to a city. Or he could be a really sweet guy who’s into me. I could play it safe and go back to my life. I would go back and listen to my roommate talk about her boyfriend. I would talk to my mum on the phone and again tell her that I was safe and then I would go back to work the next day and repeat it all over again. Or I could take a chance.

“Come on.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. That sold it for me.

“I’ve got nowhere to be.” I said.

Train to Nowhere : A Thomas Brodie Sangster Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن