Trouble in Paradise

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**WARNING** swearing ahead, sorry if it offends anyone

After Thomas and I ate our breakfast I unfortunately had to go to work.

“See you guys later.” I called as I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

“Adios mate!” Judie called out.

“Bye love!” Thomas yelled.

I spent the whole train ride to work thinking about Thomas. He was wonderful and we had a wonderful time together. I wondered what we would do next time we saw each other.

When I walked into work, the place was chaotic. People were running around with pieces of paper and yelling at each other. Mr Dawson was repeatedly kicking the photocopier and my boss was pacing around in his office with someone on speaker phone. I stopped one of my co-workers to ask them what was going on.

“Maria, what the hell happened?”

“This agency is in trouble, Hun.” She sighed putting down the stack of folders she was carrying. “If we don’t get one of our clients in the next big blockbuster we are royally screwed. The C.E.O is threatening to shut us down and turn this place into an Apple store.”

This was a disaster. I couldn’t lose this job, I majored in music studies. There was no way I could get a decent job anywhere else in this city. If this agency was screwed, I was screwed.

I sat at my desk and thought for a minute. I wasn’t a casting agent I was only the admin girl. I made phone calls and took messages and scheduled appointments. If I lost my job I would have to move back in with my parents. I would have to leave the city, I would have to leave Thomas. I decided right then that I couldn’t let that happen. I was done with letting bad things happen, I wanted to solve this problem.

Before I could overthink it, I walked into my boss’ office. Whoever he was talking to before had hung up leaving him in a terrible temper.

“What do YOU want?” he sneered at me.

“I want to know how to secure my job.” I said, sounding much braver than I felt.

“So do I princess, we all do.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. “But the trouble is,” he lit the cigarette and inhaled. “None of us have secure jobs. We never did. This is show-business for crying out loud.” He puffed out huge clouds of smoke making me cough. He walked towards me angrily.

“If you want to save the agency, how about, I don’t know,” I could smell the tobacco in his breath “Doing your FUCKING JOB!” He screamed in my face.

I walked out of his office, met with the eyes of my bitchy, nosy office-mates. I hated this place, I hated him and practically everyone here. I was sick of it. I knew I didn’t want to be here anymore. If this place was going under, fine. I didn’t care. My boss was an obnoxious idiot who always yelled and smelled of cigarette smoke.

I walked back into his office and without a second thought, I yelled

“Hey Slinthead! I quit. Good luck with staying in business”.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the office. A few of my co-workers even started to applaud me as I waited for the elevator.

As I rode down, the feeling of victory slowly began to fade. What had I done? What was happening to me? What was I going to do for money? I started panicking and by the time the doors opened I was ready to burst into tears. What, or rather who, was waiting on the other side shocked me.

“Ella! What’s wrong?” Thomas asked.

Train to Nowhere : A Thomas Brodie Sangster FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now