A Step Forward

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*one hour later*

We were very drunk. At 10am. On a Tuesday.

“And you wanna know something Thomas?” I slurred as I took another sip of my drink.

“Oh I really do!” he laughed.

“I never wanted to work for a casting agency! I wanted to be a musician!” I said in what I thought was a quiet voice. It may have been more of a shout. Or a screech.

“A musician! God that’s sexy!” Thomas tried to wink but got a bit confused and just ended up blinking. I snorted with laughter.

“You could play the pretty dancing music.” Thomas got out of his chair.

“What are you doing?” I asked laughing.

“I’m dancing to the pretty music.” He twirled across the floor, hit a chair and fell over bringing the table and chairs with him. I almost wet myself laughing.

The bartender came up to us.

“I think you two’ve had enough. I’ll call you a taxi.”

When our taxi arrived Thomas broadly announced we were going to his house.

“What’s the point of getting drunk on a Tuesday morning if you can’t keep it going until midday?”

We laughed the whole ride to his house. After we got inside we had more drinks and everything got blurry.

I woke up in the middle of the night and felt the very urgent need to vomit. I ran into Thomas’s loo and threw up my stomachs contents.

Thomas walked in and patted me on the back.

“Well done, Love. Get it out of your system.”

A while later, after we both started to feel a little better. I asked Thomas a question.

“What do I do now, Thomas?” I held my face in my hands, ashamed of my behaviour at work.

“Why don’t you try music? You said that was your passion.” He put the kettle on.

“I don’t know. I haven’t touched a guitar in almost a year now. I don’t know if I still remember.” Thomas left the room and shortly returned with a guitar. It was a beautiful GS Taylor Mini and he handed it to me.

“Tuned it only this morning.” He said proudly.

I held the guitar in my arms and it felt so right. I remembered all the chords and I began to play. I forgot about my hangover and my predicament at work, I almost forgot Thomas was there. It felt so perfect to hold that guitar.

“It has a beautiful sound.” I commented as I strummed a G chord.

“You’re very good.” Thomas said. “I love the guitar but I’m not very good. I had to learn to play it left handed and that was so annoying.”

I continued to play when I started to play a song I wrote myself when I was fifteen. It didn’t have any words, just little riffs and chords.

“That’s lovely.” Thomas said and pulled up a chair in front of me. “Teach me.”

“Alright.” I handed him back the guitar and began to show him how to play the songs. After a few goes he got the hang of it.

“You got it! Good job!” I said.

“You’re a good teacher.” He smiled at me making my heart flutter.  “Why don’t you do that for now? Just to put some money in the bank? Everyone is always looking for a music tutor for their kids!”

"I don't think I could do that. I'm not really qualified."  I sighed. It was an awesome idea, but I didn't believe in myself. It's a good thing Thomas did.  He stood up and grabbed his laptop off the coffee table.

"Okay..." he started typing away. "Music tutor wanted... Music teacher wanted... guitar instructor wanted... piano teacher wanted... Come on Ella. Trust me you can do this." He showed me all the wanted ads online.

We replied to a few ads and even booked three lessons for next week.

"Thankyou Thomas." we sat on his squishy couch and I rested my head on his shoulder. He was so warm. "For everything."

"It is my pleasure, Ella." Thomas put his arm around me and stroked my arm. "My absolute pleasure."

Train to Nowhere : A Thomas Brodie Sangster FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now