A fan encounter

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I didn't want to cry infront of Thomas. I mean what better way to scare someone off than by randomly appearing in public and bursting into uncontrollable sobs? Unfortunately though, the minute I saw him the tears came pouring down my face, dragging my makeup and dignity along with it.

Thomas pulled me into a hug,

"Are you alright? What's the matter?" he comfortingly stroked my hair as I cried into his shoulder.

"I-I just q-quit my j-job!" I stuttered with ragged breaths inbetween words.

"Oh it's alright. Come on, Let's go to my place. Tell me about what happened." Thomas took my hand and led me to his car, parked outside in the rain. Once I was sat comfortably in the passenger seat, I let it all off my chest.

"So my boss is a shuck face. Total idiot who is mean and smelly and I really hate him, but I put up with him these last few years because I needed the job. Now the agency is under threat of closing and my job was insecure anyway. I got really fired up and emotional and when he yelled at me for trying to help I quit! But I don't think I can get another job in this city. Then I'll have to move back in with my parents and I'll never see you again and I'll end up dying alone with a cat who only likes me when I feed it." I started to cry again.

"Wow... Alright." Thomas said while driving. "Do you want me to get you anything that would help? Tea? Chocolate? A movie?

“Actually…” I said as we drove past a pub “I’d quite like a drink.” Thomas smiled at me as we pulled into the parking lot next to the pub.

We walked over to the pub and it was shut. That was pretty normal for 9:00 am on a Tuesday I thought. Thomas knocked on the window.

“Hel-loooo?” he called as he pressed his forehead against the glass door. He continued to knock and call until, miraculously, someone emerged from inside. I recognised him as the bar tender. He angrily pointed at the ‘closed’ sign hanging on the door. Thomas pouted at him and pointed at me with big sad eyes. The man looked quite annoyed, but it seemed as if he suddenly realised something. He looked at Thomas and then started grinning like a little boy. Thomas started to blush. The man hurriedly opened the door and ushered us inside.

“Wow! Jojen Reed! My kids and I love Game of Thrones.” He smiled and showed Thomas his Game of Thrones phone case.

“Oh that’s lovely how old are your children?” Thomas asked politely.

“7 and 5.” The man grinned as Thomas smiled awkwardly. “Could you sign this for me?” he grabbed a napkin from a nearby table.

“I’m sorry mate I don’t have a pen.” Thomas patted down his pockets.

“I’ll get one! You guys decide what you want, on the house!” The man ran off behind the bar. After he was out of sight I couldn’t control my laughter.

“He was… friendly.” Thomas grinned at me.

“You told me you were an actor, but Game of Thrones?” I didn’t watch that show but I knew how popular it was.

“Yeah. Not a huge deal.” He shrugged. I looked at him and suddenly realised he was the boy from the Nanny McPhee movie.

“Oh my god! That little boy was you!” I said shocked as the bar tender came stumbling back in with a pen. Thomas signed his napkin.

“Did you decide what you want?” the man asked.

“Ella?” Thomas asked.

“Let’s get smashed, Thomas.” I said definitely.

“Tequila please.” He requested.

Train to Nowhere : A Thomas Brodie Sangster FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin