Meet Lucy

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*A few days later*

“Thomas I’m freaking out they are in the elevator coming up right now.” I said in a panicked voice through the phone to Thomas.

“Relax. You’ll be fine.” Thomas tried to reassure me.

“But I’m not qualified! What if the kid hates me? What if the parents hate me? What if-“ I was cut off by a loud knock on my front door.

“Hello? We’re here for a piano lesson!” Said a cheerful voice through the door.

“Thomas they’re here!” I whispered into the phone. “What do I do?”

“Just take a deep breath, open the door and teach that kid how to play piano. You will be fine I believe in you.” Thomas spoke softly into the phone and his voice calmed me down.

“You’re right. Gotta go.” I hung up and opened the door. A little girl stood with her mother outside. They didn’t seem too frightening.

“Hi!” I said in a very high pitched voice. I was trying to be friendly.

“Hello.” The mother said. “I am Carol and this is Lucy. How long do you want the lesson to go for?” she asked hurriedly.

“How about half an hour does that seem okay?” I smiled at Lucy. She smiled back and I saw she had Gaps between her front teeth. She was truly adorable.

“Perfect. I’m going to the store, you be good sweetie.” Carol kissed Lucy’s forehead and headed off down the hallway.

“Come on in.” I showed Lucy inside. She stood shyly just inside the doorway. I showed her to my bedroom, where I has set up my old keyboard.

I sat on a stool next to it.

“So how old are you Lucy?” I asked.

“9.” She replied with a grin.

“What do you want to learn on the piano?”

“I don’t really know…” she trailed off as she stared at the keyboard with wonder.

“Have you ever played an instrument before?” I asked.

“No. But my brother plays guitar.” She lightly pressed her finger onto a key and the sound lightly echoed around the room.

“That’s nice.”

“Well he isn’t very good.” She said with a laugh. I laughed to. This kid was alright.

We spent most of her lesson talking about what she wanted to learn. Oddly enough she loved Miley Cyrus’ new stuff. I showed her how to play Mary had a little lamb and told her that when she perfected it, we would learn how to play wrecking ball. By the time her mother arrived, she was determined to master it.

Afterwards I laid down on my bed. For the millionth time that day I thought about my future. For the first time in years, I thought it would all turn out okay.

Train to Nowhere : A Thomas Brodie Sangster FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now