Chapter Four

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Alpha John and his pack were taken to the dungeons.

King Jaxson went down to talk to the so called alpha.



I was furious that the pack who had decided to attack my daughters pack. Well Esarosa and Aeliana's pack.

I walked down to the dungeons and decided a chat was in order.

"Hello Caleb I want to see alpha john." I said to the guard sitting at a desk.

"Of course King. Please follow me. There food should be here in a hour." Caleb said.

I followed the young guard to a cell. "This is it my King. Do you want me to stay here? or post another guard outside?" Caleb asked.

"I should be ok for now. Thank you Caleb."

He bowed and headed back to his desk.

I opened the door and carefully walked inside.

I heard a deep growl to my left and it angered me. "How dare you try and  intimidate me." I said growling back. I allowed all my power to flow threw that one growl.

The other man quickly stopped growling and started whining. I decided to rain in my power.

"Right now that we have gotten that out of the way. I am King Jaxson. And you are?" I asked the man.

"I am Alpha John." He replied.

"Why have you attacked this pack?"

"This pack is weak." He said though I heard slight hesitation in his words.

"I see." I paused before continuing "than please do explain how you are in this dungeon?" I asked looking around for a place to sit. I decided the small chair in the opposite corner of the cell was the best bet. The man was sitting on his bed.

The man sighed. "I didn't realize that this pack had ghost wolves in it." He said lowering his gaze.

I laughed lightly. "It has two ghost wolves, two shadow ghost wolves and two shadow wolves currently." I replied.

Alpha John raised his head and looked at me. I saw the shock clearly all over his face. "Rrreallly?" he asked stuttering.

I simply nodded my head.

Alpha John quickly dropped to his knees. "Please forgive me my King. I will do anything to make this all up to you and this pack." He said. It sounded like he was close to tears.

I mind linked my daughter 'Aeliana will you and Esarosa please come to the dungeons?'

'Yes we are on our way.' She replied.

There was the smell of food and than a knock on the door. "Enter." I said as alpha John sat back on his bed.

Two younger male wolf pups entered the room with two trays of food. The boys walked over to me and lifted the lids. "we were told to allow you to choose which meal you wanted."

"Allow my friend here first choice." the boys nodded and turned to alpha John.

He picked a plate and silently began to eat. I took the other plate and also started to eat. "Thank you boys." I said as they turned to leave.

"Thank you." Alpha John said also

Both boys smiled and said "welcome." than they left closing the door behind them.

We were half done eating when there was another knock on the door.

"Enter." I said.

I lifted my head and saw Esarosa and Aeliana walk in.

"You wanted us to come here dad?" Aeliana asked me as she bowed slightly.

I saw Esarosa bow slightly at me as well.

I smiled at both girls. "Yes Alpha John has something to say to you girls. I would please have you listen before passing judgement."

Both girls frowned but nodded. Then they turned to Alpha John.

He swallowed his food and set the empty plate aside. Than he stood up slowly holding his hands up.

He dropped to his knees and asked for forgiveness. When he was done.

"Why should we accept your apology? you attacked children." Esarosa said.

Alpha John lowered his gaze "I am truly sorry. I vow to do what ever you ask."

The girls stood silent for a few minutes than my daughter spoke. "We feel that you are telling the truth. And we are willing to allow you all to leave under one condition."

"Anything." Alpha John replied.

"You will submit to us. Your pack will no longer be yours fully. It will a subdivision of our pack. You will still be Alpha but you will listen us. If we need you you will come without question. Do we make ourselves clear?" Esarosa asked.

Alpha John thought about it for a bit. I could totally understand. He was basically loosing his pack.

After a few minutes he finally answered "I accept the terms."

"Good. You and your pack are free to leave. Remember you guys are now a subdivision of the Rosewood Pack. You will be called Rosewood Subpack."

Alpha John stood up. he nodded his head.

"Caleb please unlock the rest of the pack members they are all free to go." Aeliana said walking slightly into the hall.

I listened as doors were unlocked and the pack was leaving. Alpha John stood still waiting for the girls to say he could leave.

"John you may leave." Esarosa said.

"Thank you." He said bowing to the girls. Than he turned to me "thank you."

Than I watched as he left the room.

"Was that a good idea?" I asked my daughter and her mate.

They both turned to me. "We believe it is." they said as one.

I stood up and nodded my head. "Let's hope it is." Than I walked out of the room.

I heard the girls following me.

I was still furious at the alpha. But he seemed sincere with his words. I wouldn't have allowed him to keep his alpha title or full control of his pack. I might have to intervene and take over this pack. My daughter was too young yet to run a pack.

'I want to talk to our daughter and Esarosa please.' my love mind linked me.    

'Ok.' I replied. I turned to the girls. They both seemed to be lost in thought. They were following me but not really all there.

"Your mom wants to see both of you." I said to them.

They blinked and than "ok." They both said at once.

'Hmm are they back to being one?' I asks myself.

I watched as the girls walked away.


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