Chapter Eighteen and Nineteen

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The goddess waved her hand a looking glass appeared. "This mirror will show you the true way that Esarosa became Alpha. It was her destiny to become a princess. She change the coarse of her destiny by becoming an alpha."

Queen Elena stood beside the beautiful goddess and looked into the mirror. At first she didn't see anything but as she stared into it images began to form.

--Elena saw a small wolf pup that must be Monique.
She heard Esarosa ask the puppy "Are you supposed to be here?"
Monique looked sad.
But again Elena heard Esarosa ask "Do they always argue?"
"Me? why?" Esarosa asked and that's when Queen Elena realized that Esarosa and Monique where mind linked. --

Queen Elena looked at the goddess. "Why can't I hear Monique's thoughts? and why is Esarosa speaking out loud?"

"Esarosa's wolf was suppressed. But because they are sisters the link never went away." The goddess replied.

--Queen Elena looked back at the mirror and watched as the door flew open and a deep growl sounded threw out the small cell like room. A man stood there. He had dark hair almost black and tanned coloured skin. The only thing off about him was his eyes. They were orange like Esarosa's.

"I told you to stay out of here." He said growling at Monique. And than Esarosa stood in front of Monique and said "why can't she be in here dad?"

"I am not your father. You are an abomination and you are dead." He replied as his eyes changing into a darker orange.

Esarosa smiled. "Doesn't look like I am dead." She said mockingly.

The man growled and than lunged at Esarosa.

Monique looked panicked and soon Rebecca was in the room also. She growled and than said "Let him go."

"Why?"Esarosa asked.

"Killing him will only seal your fate." Rebecca replied.

"He threatened Monique. And than attacked me. I am not in the wrong."

Elena watched as Rebecca looked towards the man that was pinned by his throat. He was in wolf form. What surprised the queen was Esarosa wasn't She was in her human form.

"Josh submit. Our daughter is stronger and faster than us. She always has been." Rebecca said to the wolf. She was pleading to the beta to submit. --

After Rebecca said his name. Queen Elena suddenly remembered him coming to the castle one night. He had talked with Jaxson and than Jaxson remained away for a few days.

"What are you remembering?" the goddess asked calmly.

"I remember Josh coming to the castle late one night." Queen Elena said still in thought. The mirror continued to show images but she was no longer paying attention to them.

"Yes. He was there." The goddess replied.

"I had been listening in the shadows. Josh had told my mate that his wife and him had a daughter. Her name was
Emily. She was a white wolf. I heard shuffling of papers and than I heard mumbled words. After that I don't know. Footsteps had come closer to me so I walked threw the shadows to my chambers and went into a restless sleep." Than Queen Elena's eyes grew wide. "I dreamt that there will be a war and the only saviours where my daughter and her mate and the metal elemental and my daughters mates's sister."

"Yes. Yes. And do you remember what caused the war?" the goddess asked.

Queen Elena shook her head no.

"That's because Esarosa changed the path. She is now the alpha. The war won't occur. Not because of the Rosewood pack."

Queen Elena was confused. "What do you mean?"

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