Chapters Twenty one to Twenty Six

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Vixen watched Elena closely. She desperately wanted to tell her everything. She just couldn't she had been ordered not to say a word. And to make sure that Sexton and herself couldn't say anything they had spells casted on them. Their own parents didn't like that their children meddled with the Fates plans.

Vixen's heart was breaking. She had lost her own mate in a war. Now she was about to watch as her daughter lost everything again. This wasn't the first time. As a demigoddess, Vixen had powers. Her powers are related to time. She can fast forward time or slow time right down. Her brother, Sexton has visions. Just like her daughter.

Vixen noticed elena's eyes change. She is having a vision. Vixen quickly ran over and caught Elena as she fell to the ground. With the contact Vixen was able to see the vision that her daughter was having.

Vixen had convinced the gods and goddesses to allow her to make a time loop till her daughter stopped the war from coming. But they put a condition on the time loop. On the twenty seventh day of the tenth month in the year 2014 if Elena couldn't stop the war the gods and goddesses would allow the time loop to stop and Vixen and Sexton would forfeit their own lives.


The war started and it was messy. It was every supernatural race for themselves.

The vision showed how the war started. Tonya forgave her mate but when she found out Elena had taken her own life. She went crazy and drained Jaxson of his blood. Soon that's all there was.

--end of vision--

Elena came out of her vision. And she felt gentle arms holding her. Elena felt safe and comfortable and something else. Something familiar. Than her eyes clouded over again and this time she saw the past. Her own birth.

Elena snapped her eyes open and looked up at the tear full demigoddess. "I understand now. You are my mother. That is why you care. And Sexton is my uncle." Elena said quietly.

Vixen nodded her head. "Yes. You are right. and now you need to see what caused all this to unfold. I couldn't tell you. I still can not tell you. But if you see it than it. Than I can reveal it."

"How can I see?" Elena asked.

"Because you were there. Just concentrate."


Sexton heard the whole conversation his sister and her daughter had. He could help with the visions. He just needed to stop Tonya from what she was about to do.

Sexton was brought back to the matter on hand when Tonya spoke. "I love you. But I do not forgive you for your actions. You could have refused. I know King Jaxson is your king. But you have a right to defy what you feel is wrong."

Sexton smiled at the vampire princess. She was right and she just changed the corse again. However the war was going to start. It was now up to Elena. His niece needed to find the key to stop the war. They couldn't afford for this time to fail again.

"Tonya, princess of the vampires. Are you wanting to pass judgement on your mate?" Sexton asked.

Tonya bowed her head. Than she raised it. "Please don't execute my mate. He was following orders. Demote him and myself allow us both to be servants to this pack. Allow us both to give our own lives to protect others."

Sexton bowed his head and allowed a small smile to play across his features. A war was not going to start over what Tonya has said. He raised his head and looked at the others present "what say all of you?"

There where murmurs and than the king and queen of vampires stepped forward. "Our daughter is this what you truly want?" the queen asked.

Tonya turned to her mom a sad smile on her face. She knew her mother and father wouldn't like this but she took a deep breath even though she didn't need it. And than nodded her head. "Yes my queen mother. This is what I truly want."

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