chapter 1

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The breeze of evening was colder than usual. Everything looked more beautiful from up here. The trees with their orange and yellow leaves, tiny houses spread on the wide area , small buildings splattered in between the trees and houses, few people walking down looking like ants, crawling to their home as the time was ticking.

From this cliff everything seemed beautiful, even the deadly height. I never felt this much good in my life than being here. I just want to let go now...

My worries..

My fears..

My memories...

Memories of my parents disappointed faces...

Worries of losing their love..

Fears that after them I would be alone.. Lost... with no one to hold my hand.

Even if I tried harder, even if I did everything in my power..

The things are going to same then, why not just fall away?

Why not be lost?

  Anyways who is going to notice my absence? It's not like I have many people who care for me, who needs me...

Some might say that you have friends, family. They'll definitely notice your absence!

But in reality will they?

My family...

A normal family.. Mom, dad and a sister.

My friends...

Just a best friend and other people I know who talks with me here and there.

And I don't think any of them really care for me.

They say that 'I'm with you forever' but other day they turn their back on their words. Leaving me alone.

Maybe I am the cause...

They leave me because it's me...

My parents they are right...

I shouldn't be born...

   The wind became suddenly caring, softly making my hair fly, drying those tears away...

The depth of valley looked too beautiful with scattered greenery hiding the sharp rocks underneath, hypnotizing me.. calling me towards them saying..

'Just jump I'll catch you..'

The offer looked tempting.. Anyways who will cry over a useless girl?

"Are you just going to stand there?"

I turned to see the source of voice that was interrupting me.

"If you are not going to jump then step aside. It's my turn..." he said coming closer


"Weren't you going to jump off the cliff? I want to do that too" he said showing a sad smile.

I looked at him confused. Yes, I was going to suicide but honestly he doesn't look like a guy who'll do that.

Brown hair, bangs covering his eyebrows , little tan skin glowing in the rays of sunset, eyes glimmering in the light looking heavenly beautiful with that mole under his eye, a built body wearing layers of black, leather jacket and hoodie over black t shirt .

He looked too good to die actually.

"It's rude to stare at people like that you know?" He said tilting his head to side.

"Sorry.." I said looking at my feet.

"Ah... now I lost my interest for dying..." he said sighing. I looked up at him with a question in my eyes.


     He walked at the edge and sat there pulling his hood up and hands in pocket, legs dangling in air. I followed sitting beside him pulling my coat tightly around me to stay warm in the dropping temperature of late evening.

After a long silence he spoke.

 "It doesn't look good. You standing there giving up... and why do something, which is not so cool? This scenery is too beautiful to die..." he looked in my eyes with that making me to take another look in his eyes when he looked away.

 "That's just an excuse... I think you actually don't want to die.." I said looking front for not to look in his way. 

 "Anyways who come to die with this outfit? Too fancy!"

  "Hah! Look at yourself wearing all Gucci! And weren't those shoes from limited edition which got sold out in 2 hours?! How did you get that?" he exclaimed almost looking like a jealous kid.

"Oh! This? Designer gave it to me after the show as an appreciation of my work..."

"Wow, what do you do for living?"

"I'm a model..." I said softly.

"that's cool..!" he suddenly exclaimed his eyes showing amazement and his smile... the boxy smile , the most cutest and sweetest smile I've ever seen.

"You think that's cool?"

"Yeah... but why? You don't like it?"

"It's not like that. I love my job but... my family doesn't and people say its good job but talk bad behind me..." I said sighing

"Don't worry your parents will come around eventually and others... just don't mind them they are just jealous... and now I know why you looked familiar I saw you in magazines and shows!"

"Oh.. You did?" I said awkwardly with a slight chuckle.

"But why are you here? Did you get betrayed by a boy or something?" he asked.

I looked at him in disbelief. Like really? Betrayed by a boy?!

Well if you call your best friend suddenly leaving you is betrayal than maybe.... But no!

A girl is allowed to suicide only when she gets dumped or what?!

"Umm.. Not really, did you get dumped by a girl that you are here to suicide?" I ask him with the most innocent face.

"Okay... I get it that was the most stupid thing I've ever asked..." he said chuckling.

"Well... bye then" I said standing up and started to walk away from him dusting off my clothes.

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