chapter 5

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"So... did he.. Um.. Met you?" he asked

"No... may be he didn't receive it yet.. It's okay you know... it would be a surprise if he showed up there.." I said smiling through my sadness. He just gave my hand a gentle squeeze comforting me with his eyes bored in mine.

A unique, warm set of eyes. Those eyes were enough to forget my sorrows.

"Now... your story!" I asked getting a bit excited to hear about him.

"Okay.... I'll tell you. So-"

"Last stop!" his sentence got interrupted by bus drivers' voice.

"Oh! So hyun-ah let's go." And he gripped my hand making me follow him outside of bus.

    It was past midnight road was empty. I had no idea where we were well... I knew I was in busan's hiking point few hours ago but don't know about now.

"Where are we?" I asked him

"At the beach!" he said excitedly looking like a small kid.

Great! We are at a beach in middle of the night.

"Let's go! Woo hooo!" he said again dragging me with him.

            Why the hell he always drags me everywhere!

        We walked towards the beach from bus stop. Cold, salty breeze was hitting our faces. Water was shining in moonlight. Only street lamps were lit and there was only us in the silence of the beach.

It was really beautiful.

"When was the last time you came to beach?"

"Maybe a month ago? I had photo shoot there" I answered eyes on water.

"no no no.... just to relax, to play in water, to have fun, I mean..."

To have fun?

"I –I... "

   When was the last time I had fun?

       Ah! Right when jimin suddenly called me saying 'I'm outside your house' he brought some drinks and snacks with him.

That night was really crazy. It was before my photo shoot to another country ... when we were still on talking bases...

That night we fought like kids while selecting a movie. The amount of complaints I did, when he won in stone paper scissors and choose iron-man's movie to watch. The amount of comforting and consoling he did when I cried over almost every single thing in world after getting drunk.

Now that I think about it...

   I didn't realized till now that whenever I was happy jimin was the reason behind it.

   "Well now that we are here lets have some fun..." he snapped me from my daze and I noticed he was standing in front of me barefooted in sand.

"Come on! What are you waiting for.." he yelled running towards the sea.

A smile made its way on my face. I took a deep breath letting go all things which was running on my mind. I have nothing to lose then why not just go with the flow?

I removed my shoes place it beside his and ran after him.

"Wait for me!"

       We played till dawn on the beach making sand castles, splashing waters, following the waves, running like kids, throwing sand at each other...

     Just having fun.

   It was something weird in that night which made me trusts this stranger...

Without knowing..

Without saying..

   Just his warm eyes and simple touch was enough to feel me good and let's not forget his cute boxy smile.

    Tired by all this playing we were catching our breath sitting on bench near a closed hotel on the beach.

   The sky was showing beautiful colours of dawn with fading stars. It was very peaceful... sound of waves coming back and forth, chirping of early birds, we both settled side by side, drinking all scenery.

I looked at him for a moment; his eyes were closed sat with that messy brown hair, his lips turned in a small peaceful smile, his eyelashes making shadows on his under eye and that beautiful eye mole.

The definition of beauty.

"It's really peaceful here, isn't it?" he asked, eyes still closed.

"Yeah...." I said diverting my gaze "it is."

       Don't know why but this person here brought a weird change in me. Me who never stopped for anything, never really care or observed the scenery.. The life around me, only running forward to achieve my goals...

Was now sitting here with a stranger, having fun with him, shared my life with him without even knowing his name, and also saw how beautiful this place is without any person in sight...

Seeing ... how beautiful this loneliness can get...


Silently.. I drifted in sleep without any care of the world.

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